Legislative files in a nutshell - European Commission
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Migration and Home Affairs
  • 4 June 2024

Legislative files in a nutshell

Pact on Migration and Asylum

Asylum and Migration Management Regulation

The Asylum and Migration Management Regulation (AMMR) replaces the current “Dublin III Regulation” and:

  • Improves the system for determining the Member State responsible for asylum applications by making it more efficient and stable, and preventing secondary movements.
  • Establishes a mandatory but flexible system of solidarity for Member States facing migratory pressure.

Asylum Procedure Regulation (including the Return Border Procedure Regulation)

The Asylum Procedure Regulation establishes a common, fair and efficient procedure for deciding on an asylum application, while limiting abuse and removing incentives for secondary movements across the EU. Together with the Return Border Procedure Regulation it also establishes a mandatory border procedure for both the asylum and return process at the external border. The return part of the border procedure is set out in a separate Regulation for legal reasons to reflect the fact that the return rules at EU-level build on the Schengen rules.

Crisis and Force Majeure Regulation

The Crisis and Force Majeure Regulation addresses situations of crisis, including instrumentalisation, and force majeure, and provides for derogations and solidarity measures for Member States.

Eurodac Regulation

The recast of the Eurodac Regulation will turn the existing Eurodac database from an asylum database into a fully-fledged asylum and migration database. The new database will support the asylum system and help manage irregular migration, as well as support the implementation of the Resettlement Regulation and the Temporary Protection Directive. The database will be integrated into the interoperability framework to join up seamlessly with other EU databases.

Screening Regulation

The new Screening Regulation sets up uniform rules ensuring checks on and proper registration of irregular migrants and asylum seekers entering the EU and a seamless link to ensuing return or asylum procedures.

Qualification Regulation

The Qualification Regulation replaces the Qualification Directive. It incorporates the Geneva Convention into EU law and aims to ensure that Member States apply common criteria to qualify persons as beneficiaries of international protection. It also defines the content of international protection rights and obligations of beneficiaries of international protection.

Reception Conditions Directive

The revised Reception Conditions Directive will provide for minimum standards of assistance for asylum applicants by Member States, ensuring adequate standards of living for those arriving to the EU and seeking international protection.

Union Resettlement Framework

The Union Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission Framework (Union Framework) Regulation enhances safe and legal pathways to the EU for people in need of protection, and contributes to strengthening international partnerships with non-EU countries hosting large refugee populations.