Evaluations assess the performance of an EU action. Impact assessments examine whether there is a need for an EU action and analyse the possible impacts of available solutions.
At DG HOME policy makers carry out evaluations and impact assessments as part of the policy preparation process. The aim of each is to examine how a particular policy issue is or should be addressed to achieve set objectives. Evaluations and impact assessments follow an integrated approach – policy makers examine the impacts across environmental, social and economic pillars of sustainable development. Thus, both process successfully contribute to the main-streaming of sustainability in policymaking at the Union level.
During an evaluation, a specific EU law, policy or funding programme is assessed based on its:
- effectiveness (whether it reached set objectives),
- efficiency (what are the costs and benefits),
- relevance (whether it responds to stakeholders' needs),
- coherence (how well it works with other actions) and
- EU added value (what are the benefits of acting at an EU level).
Evaluation findings help the Commission decide whether EU actions should be continued or changed.
- Passenger name record (PNR) data – evaluation of Directive
- EU Agency for Asylum - evaluation
- Security & border management – evaluation of the Schengen Information System (SIS) Return Regulation
- Evaluation of the Council Framework Decision on criminal acts and applicable penalties for drug trafficking
- Implementation of the EU drugs strategy and EU drugs action plan 2021-2025 – evaluation
- EU information systems for freedom, security and justice – eu-LISA evaluation
- AMIF 2014-2020 Ex-post Evaluation
- ISF Police 2014-2020 Ex-post Evaluation
- ISF BV 2014-2020 Ex-post Evaluation
- AMIF 2021-2027 Mid-Term Evaluation
- BMVI 2021-2027 Mid-Term Evaluation
- ISF 2021-2027 Mid-Term Evaluation
- Criminalisation of money laundering – evaluation of Directive 2018/1673
- European Migration Network - evaluation
More information on Evaluations in the Commission.
Impact assessments
Impact assessments examine whether there is a need for an EU action and they analyse the possible impacts of available solutions. Impact assessments are carried out during the preparation phase, before the Commission finalises a proposal for a new law. They provide evidence to inform and support the decision-making process.
- European Critical Communication System
- Preventing terrorism – new rules on the marketing and use of high-risk chemicals
- Marketing and use of explosives precursors – updated rules
- Firearms trafficking Directive
More information on Impact assessments in the Commission
- Evaluation of the Visa Code
- European Border and Coast Guard/Frontex – standing corps review and evaluation of Regulation
- Evaluation of the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN)
- Evaluation of the EU Drugs Strategy 2013-2020 and of the EU Action Plan on Drugs 2017-2020
- EU agency for law enforcement training (CEPOL) – evaluation (2016-20)
- Evaluation of Directive 2017/541 on combating terrorism
- Evaluation of the EU policy on Advance Passenger Information (API)
- Evaluation of the Schengen Facility Instrument for Croatia
- Evaluation of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
- Evaluation of Council Directive 2008/114 of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection
- Ex-post evaluation of the four instruments under the General Programme 'Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows' (SOLID)
- Ex-post evaluation of the 'Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security related risks Programme' ('CIPS') (2007-2013)
- Ex-post evaluation of the 'Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme' ('ISEC') (2007-2013)
- Mid-term evaluation of the 'Europe for Citizens Programme' (2014-2020)
- Evaluation of the Regulation on export, import and transit licensing or authorisation systems of firearms
- Legal Migration Fitness Check
- Interim evaluation of the implementation of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 2014-2020
- Interim evaluation of the implementation of the Internal Security Fund (ISF) 2014-2020
- Travel – digitalising travel documents to make travelling easier
- Security-related information sharing − reciprocal access for frontline officers in the EU and key partner countries
- EU Talent Pool
- Fighting human trafficking – review of EU rules
- Combating child sexual abuse – review of EU rules
- Firearms – review of export rules and import & transit measures
- Strengthening the automated data exchange under the Prüm framework
- Border & law enforcement - advance passenger information (API) - revised rules
- Police cooperation – stronger mandate for Europol
- Protecting critical infrastructure in the EU – new rules
- Security & border management – Schengen evaluation and monitoring mechanism
- Drugs and drug addiction – expanding the mandate of the European monitoring centre
- Temporary checks at internal borders – amending the Schengen Borders Code
- Security & border management – Schengen evaluation and monitoring mechanism
- EU police cooperation code – tackling cross-border serious & organised crime
- Fighting child sexual abuse: detection, removal and reporting of illegal content online
- Fighting organised crime – freezing and confiscating the proceeds of crime
- Fighting organised crime – strengthening the mandate of EU Asset Recovery Offices
- Entering the EU - online visa application process and digital visa
- Migration & mobility – strengthening the rights of non-EU nationals with long-term resident status
- Single work & residence permit for non-EU nationals
- Combatting Fraud and Counterfeiting of Non-Cash Means of Payment
- Visa Information System (VIS) and Community Code on visas (the Visa Code)
- Interoperability of information systems for migration and security
- Revision of the Regulation on the marketing and use of explosives precursors