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Migration and Home Affairs


Minors, unaccompanied minors, disabled people, elderly people, pregnant women, single parents with minor children, victims of trafficking in human beings, persons with serious illnesses, persons with mental disorders and persons who have been subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence, such as victims of female genital mutilation.


Art. 21 of Directive 2013/33/EU (Recast Reception Conditions Directive)


  • BG: уязвимо лице
  • CS: zranitelná osoba
  • DE: schutzbedürftige Person
  • EL: ευάλωτο άτομο
  • EN: vulnerable person
  • ES: persona vulnerable
  • ET: haavatav isik
  • FI: haavoittuvassa asemassa oleva henkilö
  • FR: personne vulnérable
  • GA: duine soghonta
  • HR: ranjiva osoba
  • HU: sérülékeny (csoporthoz tartozó) személy
  • IT: persona vulnerabile
  • LT: pažeidžiamas asmuo
  • LV: mazāk aizsargāta persona (EU acquis); īpaši aizsargājama persona
  • MT: Persuna vulnerabbli
  • NL: kwetsbare persoon
  • PL: osoba szczególnej troski
  • PT: pessoa vulnerável
  • RO: persoană vulnerabilă
  • SK: zraniteľná osoba
  • SL: ranljiva oseba
  • SV: utsatt person
  • NO: sårbar person
  • KA: მოწყვლადი პირი
  • UK: вразлива особа
  • HY: խոցելի անձ

Narrower Term(s)

Related Term(s)


1. Directive 2011/36/EU (Anti-trafficking Directive) defines a 'position of vulnerability' as a "situation in which the person concerned has no real or acceptable alternative but to submit to the abuse involved".
2. Some directives use narrower definitions such as Directive 2008/115/EG (Return Directive) in its Art. 3(9).