Innovation and security research - European Commission
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Innovation and security research

Today’s security threats are evolving fast, complex, and often cross-border in nature. Such threats can only be dealt with through a collective response between EU countries within an efficient Security Union in Europe.

EU security research is one of the building blocks of the Security Union. It supports innovation and knowledge that are crucial for developing capabilities to address:

  • today's security challenges
  • anticipating tomorrow's threats

contributing to a more competitive European security industry.

To illustrate the purpose and importance of this field of research, DG HOME has worked with DG RTD to produce a factsheet on the impact of security research as well as some of the future challenges and current issues, such as market uptake of research outcomes.


Security Appraisal

All actions funded under Horizon Europe shall comply with the applicable security rules and in particular rules on the protection of classified information against unauthorised disclosure, including compliance with any relevant Union and national law.

DG HOME coordinates the Security Appraisal process providing a corporate service for all the parts of the Horizon Europe Programme.

Where appropriate, the Commission carries out, with the national security experts, the security appraisal process for proposals raising security issues. This can lead to security recommendations, which may include, among others, the classification of certain deliverables by the project.

Security Research Event

The Security Research Event (SRE) is the annual meeting where industry, governments and knowledge institutions come together to discuss the state of play and current challenges for security research in Europe. The SRE also features a large exhibition area dedicated to the EU funded security-related projects.