Violent extremists and terrorists do not only pose a considerable threat to European societies, for example, by committing severe terrorist attacks, they are also perceived as a very problematic group within prisons.
The RAN Prison and Probation (P&P) and EuroPris meeting focused on security issues arising from the presence of violent extremist and terrorist offenders (VETOs) in the EU Member States’ prisons, but also in more general terms on the necessity (or not) of special provisions required for this group of prisoners.
This paper presents the main findings from the discussions of the meeting, including the scope of possible misbehaviours of VETOs and how to counter those. In this context, carrying out a good and personalised risk assessment is a basis for security measures. Prisons can also actively contribute to an orderly and peaceful prison environment via the concept of dynamic security.
Subsequently, the necessity of special provisions for VETOs as well as the challenges and possibilities of a dispersion regime are discussed with relation to in-prison security. In addition, the media and the public have a special interest in VETOs. Read more
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