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RAN Publications (263)
This paper will describe the highlights of the presentations and the discussions from the meeting, emphasising recommendations moving forward with this delicate and sensitive topic in the Western Balkan region.

The paper presents practical guidelines for P/CVE practitioners to support the implementation of the opportunities provided by technology and the digital realm to complement the conventional counselling approaches.

On 28 and 29 May, the last RAN Practitioners meeting of the Families, Communities & Social Care Working Group took place in Lisbon (Portugal). The meeting brought together social care professionals, youth workers and other professionals who work in the field of preventing and countering violent...

The paper presents the key outcomes of the online small-scale expert meeting organised by RAN Practitioners on 15 May, with the aim of jointly discussing common standards for gender-specific approaches in practical P/CVE.

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN small-scale expert meeting that took place online on 26 March 2024.

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN small-scale expert session on ‘Social Trauma of Women Returning from Daʿesh Territory’ that took place online on 29 June 2023.

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN POL meeting that took place on 14 and 15 March 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic.

On 16 April, RAN Practitioners organised an online small-scale expert meeting to examine the potential for further radicalisation of segments of the environmental activist movement towards violent extremism and terrorism, and its implications for PVE and CVE.

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN thematic event that took place on 22 March in The Hague, The Netherlands. The aim was to collect practitioners’ reflections on the challenges and lessons learnt from the past few years in relation to ensuring a smooth rehabilitation process...

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN REHABILITATION Working Group meeting that took place on 4-5 June 2024 in Riga, Latvia, where rehabilitation practitioners and conflict resolution experts and practitioners shared experiences of working with violent and extremist terrorist offenders...

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN POL Working Group meeting that took place on 6 and 7 June 2024 in Madrid, Spain.

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN small-scale expert meeting that took place online on 28 May 2024.

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN Victims/Survivors of Terrorism Working Group meeting that took place on 13-14 June 2024 in Prague, Czechia.

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN REHABILITATION Working Group online meeting that took place on 4 April 2023.

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN Rehabilitation Working Group meeting that took place on 14 and 15 March 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia.

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN Prisons Working Group meeting that took place on 4 and 5 June 2024 in Barcelona, Spain.

The paper provides an overview of the RAN study visit on 11 June 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden. The aim was to learn from the Swedish approach to tackling violent right-wing extremism.

The paper outlines the highlights of the discussions that took place during the RAN Families, Communities & Social Care and Rehabilitation WG meeting on 23 and 24 November 2023.

The paper presents the key outcomes of the meeting between a group of RAN Practitioners and a small group of experts and practitioners, which took place on 19 April 2024. The aim was to broaden our understanding of how anti-immigrant attitudes...

The paper presents the key outcomes of the RAN Practitioners meeting of the Families, Communities & Social Care Working Group which took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on 28 and 29 May 2024.