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Migration and Home Affairs
  • 18 June 2024

Manchester’s RADEQUAL Campaign

  • United Kingdom
Target Audience
  • General public
  • Local community organisations/NGOs
  • Youth/pupils/students
key themes association
  • Alternative and counter narratives
  • Community engagement/civil society
  • 2023


Manchester City Council – Local Government

Type of Organisation: Governmental institution

Project description

The RADEQUAL Campaign in Manchester is aimed at uniting residents from across the city to tackle prejudice, hate and extremism. It does this by adopting a co-designing approach to problem-solving between communities, VCS organisations, statutory agencies and others using the following principles called the three Cs


Identify and understand the concerns and challenges across and within communities that can create divisions and tension. Not just with stats and research, but also looking at real-life events and incidents, and people’s attitudes and behaviours.


Connect communities and build relationships. Creating a network of credible voices and working together to make a difference.


Champion Manchester’s reputation for equality, inclusion and celebrating diversity. Looking at what we all have in common, and preparing people for difficult questions. Encouraging critical thinking in communities to help build resilience against extremism.

Grants of up to GBP 10 000 are available on an annual basis for groups and organisations to bid for to deliver activities, events and projects that promote and deliver the RADEQUAL principles and grant priorities.


The RADEQUAL grant programme has resulted in a number of available tools:

  • Podcasts on Prevent, extremism and topics related to equalities issues.
  • Videos by young people expressing their concerns and celebrating what makes them Mancunian, as well as a short film about the similarities, hopes and concerns of Manchester’s different faith communities.
  • Art and exhibitions created by people of Manchester expressing their take on RADEQUAL.
  • Teaching resources for the post-16-to-19 age group on hate, prejudice and the threat of radicalisation in Manchester.
  • Poetry telling stories and experiences of black and ethnic minority communities in Manchester.
  • An isolation and radicalisation drama workshop and accompanying video tool to explore these themes.
  • A network of VCS partners to act as a critical friend and embed activities.

Contact details


Manchester City Council
United Kingdom

Contact person: Samiya Butt
Telephone: +44 1612341489
samiya [dot] buttatmanchester [dot] gov [dot] uk (Email) | Website

Read the full practice

  • 18 JUNE 2024
Manchester’s RADEQUAL Campaign