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Migration and Home Affairs


An activity of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) providing EU Member States with enhanced technical and operational assistance consisting of the deployment of European return intervention teams to EU Member States and the organisation of return operations.


Art. 2(28) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 (European Border and Coast Guard Regulation)


  • BG: намеса във връщането
  • CS: návratová intervence
  • DE: Rückführungseinsatz / Rückkehreinsatz
  • EL: επέμβαση επιστροφής
  • EN: return intervention
  • ES: Intervención de retorno
  • ET: tagasisaatmisega seotud sekkumine
  • FI: palauttamisinterventio
  • FR: intervention en matière de retour
  • GA: Idirghabháil um fhilleadh
  • HR: intervencija vraćanja
  • HU: visszaküldési intervenció
  • IT: intervento di rimpatrio
  • LT: grąžinimo pagalba
  • LV: atgriešanas nodrošināšanas operācija
  • MT: Intervent għal operazzjoni ta' ritorn
  • NL: terugkeerinterventie
  • PT: intervenção de regresso
  • RO: intervenție pentru returnare
  • SK: návratová intervencia
  • SL: posredovanje na področju vračanja
  • SV: återvändandeintervention
  • NO: Støtte til gjennomføring av retur (b); Stønad til å gjennomføre retur (n)
  • KA: დაბრუნების პროცესში ოპერაციული ჩარევა
  • UK: втручання в повернення
  • HY: վերադարձի միջամտություն

Broader Term(s)

Narrower Term(s)

  • rapid return intervention

Related Term(s)


In contrast to return operations, (rapid) return interventions may be provided by Frontex in circumstances where an EU Member State is facing a burden or specific and disproportionate challenges when implementing the obligation to return third-country nationals upon request of that EU Member State. Such return interventions shall be based on an operational plan drawn up by the executive director of Frontex in agreement with the host EU Member State and the participating EU Member States . They shall be financed or co-financed by Frontex. (see Art. 33 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/1624 (European Border and Coast Guard Regulation)