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Migration and Home Affairs
  • 9 September 2024

Evaluations and impact assessments

Evaluations assess the performance of an EU action. Impact assessments examine whether there is a need for an EU action and analyse the possible impacts of available solutions.

At DG HOME policy makers carry out evaluations and impact assessments as part of the policy preparation process. The aim of each is to examine how a particular policy issue is or should be addressed to achieve set objectives. Evaluations and impact assessments follow an integrated approach – policy makers examine the impacts across environmental, social and economic pillars of sustainable development. Thus, both process successfully contribute to the main-streaming of sustainability in policymaking at the Union level.


Evaluations assess the performance of an EU action. During an evaluation, a specific EU law, policy or funding programme is assessed based on its:

  • effectiveness (whether it reached set objectives),
  • efficiency (what are the costs and benefits),
  • relevance (whether it responds to stakeholders' needs),
  • coherence (how well it works with other actions) and
  • EU added value (what are the benefits of acting at an EU level).

Evaluation findings help the Commission decide whether EU actions should be continued or changed.

More information on Evaluations in the Commission.

Impact assessments

Impact assessments examine whether there is a need for an EU action and they analyse the possible impacts of available solutions. Impact assessments are carried out during the preparation phase, before the Commission finalises a proposal for a new law. They provide evidence to inform and support the decision-making process.

More information on Impact assessments in the Commission

Completed evaluations and impact assessments