Evaluation of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) - European Commission
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Evaluation of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Date of roadmap: 28/11/2017

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drugs Addiction (EMCDDA) was established in 1993 with the mission to provide the European Union and its Member States with factual, objective, reliable and comparable information at European level on drugs and drug addiction and their consequences. Its core tasks are to collect and analyse existing data, improve data comparison methods, disseminate data and to cooperate with European and international bodies and organisations as well as with third countries.

The evaluation of EMCDDA has two main objectives:

  • to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU added value of the EMCDDA's performance since 2013 in terms of the implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy and its Action Plans, of the European Agenda on Security and of its tasks laid down in its founding Regulation (Article 2); and
  • to propose concrete and useful recommendations to the EMCDDA to better respond to the challenges posed by the constantly changing environment against the background of the current authorised financial and human resources for the EMCDDA, bearing in mind the current and future EU budgetary constraints (see the following section).

The evaluation will assess also the compliance of the EMCCDDA to the objectives and provisions of the Common Approach on Decentralised Agencies.

The results of the evaluation are expected to be used by the EMCDDA, its Management Board, the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. In addition, they will be made available to the general public

Roadmap for the evaluation

The Roadmap published in March 2018 serves to inform stakeholders and citizens about how the Commission intends to carry out the evaluation of the Directive.

Public Consultation

A Public Consultation was carried out as part of the evaluation. It was launched on 18 May 2018 on the European Commission's website and was open for 14 weeks. The aim of this consultation was to gather views from private individuals, non-profit/private organisations, and national/regional/local public administrations on the EMCDDA. The consultation covered the majority of the evaluation criteria: effectiveness, relevance, coherence and EU value added. As such, the public consultation was intended to form part of the inputs for the external evaluation of the EMCDDA.

Documents in relation to this consultation

List of reference documents

EU legislation applicable to the EMCDDA

EMCDDA programming documents

EU policy documents