Evaluation of the Schengen Facility Instrument for Croatia - European Commission
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Evaluation of the Schengen Facility Instrument for Croatia

Date of roadmap: 06/04/2018

Under Article 31 of the Accession Act of Croatia, a Schengen Facility was created as a temporary instrument to help Croatia to finance actions at the new external borders of the Union for the implementation of Schengen acquis and external border control, in the period between the date of accession and the end of 2014.

In this context, Croatia was responsible for selecting and implementing individual operations within three years from the first payment, which was made on 23 July 2013, as stipulated in article 31 of the Accession Act. On 4th March 2016 Croatia requested an extension to the three year implementation period. The Commission agreed with the request, extending the implementation period by six months and allowing for expenditure to be committed by 23rd September 2016 and any contracts signed, implemented and paid by no later than 21st January 2017.

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, sustainability, impact and European added value of the Schengen Facility of Croatia, and on this basis offer recommendations provide recommendations in view of implementation of future EU funded interventions with similar features in the years to come.

The evaluation is supported by an independent external study.

View the roadmap for this initiative

The Roadmap,published in April 2018, serves to inform stakeholders and citizens about how the Commission intends to carry out the evaluation of the Directive.

Consultation activities

The Consultation Strategy outlines the consultation objectives, maps the relevant stakeholders and explains which consultation methods and tools the European Commission is currently considering in carrying out the evaluation. Please note that this document is a planning document provided for information only and does not commit the European Commission (or the external Contractor that will carry out the evaluation) to any specific consultative path.

An Open Public Consultation was carried out as part of the evaluation via the Commission's public consultation page. This was organised via the Commission's ‘Have your say’ page. The Public Consultation was launched on 4 January 2019 and concluded on 29 March 2019.

Documents related to this public consultation

Terms of reference

Reference documents