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Migration and Home Affairs

RAN YF&C The role of sports and leisure activities in preventing and countering violent extremism, Lisbon 06-07 March 2019

Sports events and organisations are too precious for society to allow extremists to misuse them for their hideous activities. A mixture of repressive and positive measures can safeguard sports. Since extremism is a societal problem, it makes sense that sports clubs do not have to do it on their own, and that localised solutions are delivered by local partners of sports organisations.

On a positive note, sports and leisure activities can contribute substantially to the prevention of radicalisation. Cooperating with youth professionals and applying pedagogical methods can create opportunities for youngsters to work on the attitudes and life skills that make them resilient to ideological exploitation and the lure of extremist violence. Read more


PDF Paper (also available in French and German)

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Families, communities & social care working group (RAN FC&S)