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Migration and Home Affairs

RAN Study visit, Strasbourg’s P/CVE approach and its multi-agency partners, 21-22 May 2019

A mixed group of RAN practitioners visited the city of Strasbourg to get an insight into their local preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) strategy and the reasoning behind it. The local P/CVE coordinator and multi-agency partners inspired us with their approach and projects.

This paper contains an overview of the insights and learnings from this study visit. The main takeaways of this study visit are that cities really need to be prepared for when an attack might occur.

The city of Strasbourg was well prepared and could therefore immediately take action with the aim of minimising the impact on their city. A second takeaway is that a city cannot prevent radicalisation on its own. Cities need partners from all different disciplines in order to manage a holistic approach and not miss out on any important information or skill. Read more


PDF Paper (also available in French and German)