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Migration and Home Affairs

RAN POL Joining Forces: Dissemination, Implementation and Evaluation, Budapest 24-25 January 2019

The first meeting of RAN POL in 2019 was dedicated to a conversation with the RAN POL Points of Contact. Despite the large amount of work that RAN POL has carried out, and the significant steps that have been made, there is always room for improvement.

In 2019, RAN POL, with the help of the Points of Contact, strives to make an even bigger impact with the intention that even more police and law enforcement officers can benefit from the lessons and insights of the RAN POL working group.

Dissemination is a key word in this ex post paper. How do Member States currently disseminate RAN POL lessons and recommendations, and what are examples of where successful dissemination has led to implementation of good practices? What ways can be employed to achieve even more widespread dissemination? Another important topic is evaluation: how can we learn and improve through more and better evaluation?

This ex post paper is primarily intended for the RAN POL Points of Contact and stakeholders like EUROPOL and CEPOL. Read more


PDF Paper (also available in French and German)

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Police and law enforcement Working Group (RAN POL)