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Migration and Home Affairs

Repatriated foreign terrorist fighters and their families: European experiences & lessons for P/CVE, June 2021

Approaches to working with returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families differ across Europe. On the whole, these approaches build on existing programmes, initiatives and legal frameworks that deal with terrorism and radicalisation more broadly and according to local context.

This paper presents an overview of general approaches towards repatriation in EU countries and the Western Balkans, with concrete examples of practices, returnee coordinators and various types of multi-agency and national coordination as well as exit programmes and interventions for both adult and child returnees.

The paper draws on open-source data and interviews with key players from selected countries. It concludes with a series of existing challenges and presents key learnings on institutional cooperation, local level measures and individual reintegration.

  • 10 SEPTEMBER 2021
Repatriated foreign terrorist fighters and their families: European experiences & lessons for P/CVE