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Migration and Home Affairs

Rehabilitation work with convicted offenders outside of prison, 2021

In recent years, the numbers of people being incarcerated for terrorism-related offences and/or considered radicalised (or at risk of radicalisation) have prompted governments to focus on the need for related work on resocialisation. Due to the relatively short sentences and non-custodial measures imposed, the reintegration of radicalised people into society concerns (and will continue to concern) numerous countries.

Most terrorism-related convictions in the EU are related to jihadist terrorists, with several trials held of women and minors who had joined Daesh in Iraq and Syria. Additionally, a growing number of individuals returning from conflict zones who have been radicalised to violence may not serve time in prison.

This paper builds on lessons learned in the EU context, and it is useful for first-line practitioners providing probation and community sanctions and measures (CSMs) services, as well as exit workers and community and family support workers involved in rehabilitation programmes for violent extremist offenders (VEOs) outside prison. Read more


  • 26 MAY 2021
Rehabilitation work with convicted offenders outside of prison