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Migration and Home Affairs

Transparency Meetings and Anti-Discrimination Seminars

  • Germany
Target Audience
  • Law enforcement officers
key themes association
  • Internet and radicalisation
  • Violent right-wing extremism
  • 2022


Police Department Frankfurt am Main

Type of Organisation: Governmental institution

Project description

After several incidents of right-wing extremist and racist contents in chat groups among police officers, a comprehensive approach was chosen to prevent extremism and foster democratic resilience within the police organisation.

In Transparency Meetings with up to 200 police officers the online strategies and narratives of the new/alt-right were presented by a political scientist. In a second presentation, a criminalist showed anonymised original material of the chat groups and gave explanations on the violations of law and provisions. In the second stage of the process, Transparency Talks in small groups with senior officers took place to allow a confidential exchange.

In addition to the creation of transparency, long-term measures have been taken in the area of training and education. The already existing seminars on Intercultural Social Competence (2.5 days) were multiplied to reach more officers. A seminar about Othering mechanisms (1.5 days), which is fully conceptualised and conducted by a civil society organisation, has been established in 2021 and is focused on the perspective of persons affected by racism.


Seminar concepts, presentations and handouts tailored to the needs of police officers.

For the Transparency Talks a presentation on radicalisation dynamics in social media and a dialogue guide were developed.

Contact details


Polizeipräsidium Frankfurt am Main,
Marie-Curie-Straße 30 
Frankfurt, Germany

Contact person: Dr. Marvin Gamisch
Telephone: +49 6975534440
pmk-praevention [dot] ppffmatpolizei [dot] hessen [dot] de (Email) | Website

Read the full practice

11 AUGUST 2023
Transparency Meetings and Anti-Discrimination Seminars