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Migration and Home Affairs
  • 2 July 2024

De-radicalisation in prisons

  • Austria
Target Audience
  • First responders or practitioners
  • Formers
  • Prison / probation
key themes association
  • Deradicalisation/disengagement
  • Prison and probation
  • 2024


DERAD –Extremismusprävention und Demokratie. English: DERAD –Extremism-Prevention and Democracy. (and EMJD – Muslim Jewish Dialogue)

Type of Organisation: Other

Project description

We use counter- and alternative narratives focused on leftwinged and right-winged extremism and on the the political ideology of ‘political Salafiyya’, which can lead to violent extremism and consequently terrorism. The examples and methods that we use are based in cases of religious extremism on al-aqida, fiqh, manhaj and also pedagogy, history, civic education, and human rights. 

The practice was set up to prevent violent extremism and achieve deradicalisation in prisons as well as among clients who are on probation. The practice is also used for clients in a nonlegal context, and who are very often part of a social network of radicalised people. 

The NGO DERAD has 13 members, all academics who are pedagogues, Islamic and/or political scientists. Due to the fact that we are first-line practitioners and scientists, we conduct studies and teach at universities and other platforms of learning and adult education. 

Our clients are both right- and left-wing extremists and religious extremists. In recent years a small number of our clients were members of motorcycle gangs. The languages spoken from our practitioners are Arabic, Albanian, Bosnien, Persian/Dari,Turkish, Russian, Chechnyan, English, German, Hebrew, Hindi, French


  1. Work in prisons in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice. Talk with convicted terrorists, foreign fighters or supporters of terrorist organisations about: radicalisation, disengagement, demobilisation. The methods are described above. This work continues after their release from prison. 
  2. Assessment of possible radicalisation of inmates in prisons and other institutions such as schools, refugee camps, etc. 
  3. Disengagement for people on probation. 
  4. Activities with former foreign fighters, such as workshops and DERAD, as part of an exit-strategy to interact with society. 
  5. Group sessions for imprisoned persons in regard to prevention and education. 
  6. Training for prison officers, social workers and psychologists. 
  7. Research and publications on this topic like mentioned below. 
  8. Research on the Muslim Brotherhood. 
  9. University lectures. 
  10. Publications (German language) 
  11. Court opinion in 2023 in Vienna and a second EU-country 
  12. Documentaries on TV and Amazon prime, Interviews 
  13. Workshops in schools

Contact details


Mariahilfer Str. 121 / 1 / Top 6
A-1070 Vienna

Contact person: Moussa Al-Hassan Diaw, MA Dipl.- Paed.
deradaustriaatgmail [dot] com (Email) | Website

Read the full practice

  • 2 JULY 2024
De-radicalisation in prisons