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Migration and Home Affairs


(Temporary) suspension of removal of a third-country national who has received a return decision but whose removal is not possible either for humanitarian reasons (as their removal would violate the principle of non-refoulement or due to the third-country national’s physical state or mental capacity) or for technical reasons (such as lack of transport capacity or failure of the removal due to lack of identification or the country of origin’s refusal to accept the person) and for as long as a suspensory effect is granted in accordance with Art. 13(2) of Council Directive 2008/115/EC (Return Directive) .


Derived by EMN from Art. 9 of Directive 2008/115/EC (Return Directive)


  • BG: временно отлагане на извеждането
  • CS: odklad vyhoštění
  • DE: einstweilige Aussetzung der Abschiebung (EU acquis); vorübergehende Aussetzung der Abschiebung / Duldung (AT, DE); Aufschub der Abschiebung (LU)
  • EL: αναβολή απομάκρυνσης
  • EN: postponement of removal
  • ES: aplazamiento de la expulsión
  • ET: väljasaatmise edasilükkamine
  • FI: maastapoistamisen lykkääminen
  • FR: report de l’éloignement
  • GA: an t-aistriú a chur siar
  • HU: befogadottkénti tartózkodás
  • HR: privremena odgoda prisilnog udaljenja
  • IT: rinvio dell'allontanamento
  • LT: išsiuntimo atidėjimas (EU acquis); išsiuntimo vykdymo sustabdymas
  • LV: izraidīšanas atlikšana
  • MT: Posponiment ta' tneħħija
  • NL: uitstel van verwijdering
  • PL: wstrzymanie wydalenia
  • PT: adiamento do afastamento
  • RO: amânarea îndepărtării
  • SK: odklad odsunu (EU acquis); tolerovaný pobyt
  • SL: odložitev odstranitve
  • SV: uppskov med avlägsnande
  • NO: utsatt uttransportering (b); utsett uttransportering (n)
  • KA: გაძევების გადავადება
  • UK: відстрочка вилучення
  • HY: վտարման հետաձգում


  • suspension of removal
  • temporary suspension of removal
  • tolerated stay


1. Tolerated stay status is granted in a number of EU Member States with differing definitions and regulated by different legal instruments. The toleration is only a suspension of removal.
2. In several EU Member States, the term ‘tolerated stay’ is not formally used anymore and has been replaced by ‘postponement of removal’ after the transposition of Council Directive 2008/115/EC (Return Directive).
3. For more information, see EMN: Alternatives to Detention, 2014