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Migration and Home Affairs


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Publications (334)

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  • General publications

This report from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) offers a comprehensive analysis of the labour market integration of Syrian refugees in Germany. It is based on data and surveys covering the period 2016 - 2022 and provides insights into the employment, industry distribution and ...

  • General publications

This report is a follow-up to the Immigrant Council’s 'Migrant electoral empowerment: the experience of migrant candidates in the 2019 local elections' report (Lima, 2019). The report examines what political opportunities people of a migrant background have and how effective electoral ...

  • General publications

This report - entitled 'Refugee and migrant health system review: challenges and opportunities for long-term health system strengthening in Estonia' - presents the findings of a joint review of the health system in Estonia, conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in close collaboration ...

  • General publications

On 20 November the ISMU Foundation launched a comprehensive study on the educational landscape for unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA) in Italy. Key findings show that currently only 1 in 5 young people in this group successfully integrates into the Italian educational system..

  • General publications

The integration of foreign students into the education system is essential for fostering social cohesion and reducing inequalities. Education plays a pivotal role in integrating immigrant populations, promoting both social and cultural inclusion. This study examines this issue within the context ...

  • General publications

The Socio-economic insights survey (SEIS) 2024, published by UNHCR, offers a detailed overview of the complex challenges faced by people displaced from Ukraine living in Hungary. Based on responses from 795 households (comprising 1 824 individuals), the survey illustrates the socioeconomic ...

  • General publications

This report evaluates the innovative pilot programme offering psychosocial support for Ukrainian students at selected primary schools in Bratislava. The programme, developed by the Center for Inclusive Education (Inklucentrum) in collaboration with the Counseling and Prevention Center Bratislava III