Publications - European Commission
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Migration and Home Affairs


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Publications (365)

Showing results 360 to 365
  • Study

This study aimed to explore the national policies and practices in Member States to attract and retain third-country national students. Also the incentives in place at national level to encourage international students to study in EU Member States and to stay on in the Member State after graduation.

  • Student Migration
  • Study

This study explores the impact of visa liberalisation in specific areas (e.g. tourism, legal migration, bilateral cooperation) and looks at trends in irregular migration and other issues that have been observed in the EU Member States and Norway as countries of destination during 2007-2017.

  • Visa Policy
  • Study

Acknowledging the multiple dimensions involved (socio-economic, cultural, civic etc.), the study focusses on the socio-economic dimension of integration, examining the different labour market integration measures for legally staying third-country nationals with the right to work in the EU.

  • Integration
  • Working document
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs

This working paper is built up on a mapping exercise carried out in 2016 about FP7 projects which presented the reasoning for the development of a Community of Users on Secure, Safe and Resilient Societies. It focuses on mapping H2020 projects funded under the 2014-2015 calls for proposals.

  • Working document
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs

This working paper is built up on a mapping exercise carried out in 2016 about FP7 projects which presented the reasoning for the development of a Community of Users on Secure, Safe and Resilient Societies. It focuses on mapping H2020 projects funded under the 2014-2015 calls for proposals.