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Resocialisation and reintegration measures for VETOs post prison-release in the Western Balkans, May 2024

Resocialisation and reintegration measures for VETOs post prison-release in the Western Balkans, May 2024


Publication date
21 May 2024
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
RAN Publications Topic
  • Rehabilitation


The Western Balkan countries have a complex history intertwined with violent extremism and terrorism. These challenges, coupled with misconceptions surrounding the subject and the stigma attached to associated groups, have intensified efforts towards disengagement, resocialisation, and reintegration (DRR). To address the issues posed by Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders (VETOs) and returnees, the Western Balkans have implemented legislative measures and strategies that assign explicit responsibilities to state institutions and agencies in the realm of DRR. 

Several institutional mechanisms have been established to address the DRR needs of VETOs and returnees. Noteworthy examples include the DRR division within the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) in Kosovo*1, the CVE center in Albania, the Inter-Ministerial Working Group on the Reintegration of Foreign Terrorist Fighters in North Macedonia, the national CT coordinators in Serbia and Montenegro, and local DRR initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

DRR was a new concept for the Western Balkan countries, initially marked by a lack of expertise and experience in executing DRR activities for VETOs and returnees. Through support from international donors and partners, multiple DRR processes have been undertaken to enhance the state capacities at both central and local levels. Remarkable progress has been achieved in this area, especially with the active involvement of the Western Balkans, USA, and other partners in repatriating their citizens from conflict zones. Approximately 500 individuals from the Western Balkans have been repatriated from Syria and Iraq, with a majority of them participating in DRR programs and activities. 

This paper delves into the concept of violent extremism within the Western Balkans, offering insights into the historical backdrop. It also provides an overview of deradicalisation, disengagement, and resocialisation practices, highlighting the challenges and gaps encountered during the post-release phase. Furthermore, the paper highlights specific DRR practices. The implementation of DRR programs in the Western Balkans comes with its own set of challenges. These encompass issues such as inter-institutional cooperation, prejudice, and discrimination against VETOs and returnees. Effective cooperation between local and central levels remains elusive due to the limited capacities of local municipal institutions to engage with VETOs and returnees. 

Civil society organisations have played a pivotal role in DRR projects, actively contributing to initiatives aimed at these individuals. Prominent donor initiatives, such as those from the European Union, Council of Europe, Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN), and Global Community Engagement and Resiliency Fund (GCERF), are at the forefront of supporting and/or executing various DRR projects. They work directly with vulnerable communities and returnees, organizing DRR, vocational, and professional training programs. Notably, VETOs and returnees have also benefited from grant schemes facilitated by donors in close cooperation with the Western Balkan state authorities. 

Additionally, this paper examines the waves of repatriation from conflict zones and explores emerging forms of violent extremism in the region. It concludes by proposing practical steps to enhance DRR efforts and provides recommendations for key institutions to effectively address challenges arising from violent extremism.

Resocialisation and reintegration measures for VETOs post prison-release in the Western Balkans


10 JUNE 2024
Resocialisation and reintegration measures for VETOs post prison-release in the Western Balkans
10 JUNE 2024
Resocialisation and reintegration measures for VETOs post prison-release in the Western Balkans - Albanian version
10 JUNE 2024
Resocialisation and reintegration measures for VETOs post prison-release in the Western Balkans - Macedonian version
10 JUNE 2024
Resocialisation and reintegration measures for VETOs post prison-release in the Western Balkans - Serbian version