- Publication date
- 20 February 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
- RAN Publications Topic
- Violent right-wing extremism
Police officers and experts from different European countries came together to examine the landscape of right-wing extremism (RWE) and accelerationism and to exchange their experiences and approaches. They particularly addressed the role of the police in the online sphere, the challenges they encounter, and the methods of monitoring and intervention.
The key outcomes were the following:
- More precise definitions of various forms of right-wing terrorism are needed, as the term ‘right-wing extremism’ is too broad for the wide range of different narratives, risks, audiences and communication methods.
- The separation between online and offline is not absolute; they are interconnected aspects of one world. The police require better tools, legislation and capacity to effectively address both realms.
- The police should contribute to enhancing critical thinking and media literacy, fostering resilience, and actively engaging in online monitoring and interventions. Police can contribute by raising sense of urgency, expertise and authority.
- Community-oriented policing will remain a crucial element in the work of police. Thus, this concept needs to be fully integrated into police strategies and explicitly emphasised.