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Migration and Home Affairs
  • Expert opinion

RAN event Digital Study Visit to Canada, 23-24 November 2020


Publication date
8 February 2021
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
RAN Publications Topic
  • Multi-agency cooperation


The RAN digital study visit to Canada (23-24 November) brought together 35 European and Canadian practitioners working in local authorities, law enforcement and security agencies, prison and probation services, and social work. The aim of this study visit was to explore and exchange challenges and lessons learned in the field of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE).

A particular focus was on understanding the P/CVE landscape in Canada and on discussing instruments and tools to divert and/or disengage individuals from violent extremism in the Canadian context. The highlights of the discussions and recommendations are listed in this conclusion paper, with amongst others:

  • Practitioners from Canada and the EU could benefit from more in-depth exchange on relevant P/CVE phenomena, such as the Incel movement, (returning) foreign terrorist fighters and violent right-wing extremist movements. More context on these topics is briefly outlined in the first section of this paper. The second section dives deeper into the following outcomes.
  • Practice in both Canada and the EU shows that multi-agency working versus working in silos remains a complex issue. Trust between all stakeholders needs to be established in order for them to create reliable communication channels and procedures to tailor interventions to a case with all relevant information.
  • Case assessment tools and “simulation exercises” between law enforcement actors and psychosocial/community sectors can: 1) help to create a holistic picture of a (radicalised) individual; 2) create a mutual understanding; 3) help to separate assumptions from facts; and 4) do justice to the non-linear, complex and rapidly evolving situations that practitioners work in.

This paper is meant for practitioners who work in a multi-professional context of P/CVE who are interested in learning more about the working methods and P/CVE landscape in Canada. A list of inspiring organisations and initiatives can be found in the last section of this paper.

This paper first briefly introduces the context and phenomena in the P/CVE landscape in Canada. The second section outlines the challenges and recommendations, focusing on multi-agency work and case assessment tools. Last, this paper outlines a list of inspiring practices in Canada and opportunities for follow-up exchange.

RAN event Digital Study Visit to Canada cover


  • 26 MAY 2021
RAN event Digital Study Visit to Canada