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Migration and Home Affairs
  • Expert opinion

Contemporary manifestations of violent right-wing extremism in the EU: An overview of P/CVE practices, 2021


Publication date
20 December 2021
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
RAN Publications Topic
  • Violent right-wing extremism


Right-wing violence is rising across the EU, illustrating the need for adequate measures to prevent and counter the threat. Yet, many existing preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) measures have been developed around Islamist extremism or in response to the wave of violent right-wing extremism (VRWE) three decades ago.

This paper explores whether measures to deal with previous right-wing extremist expressions are fit to counter current manifestations of right-wing extremism. It describes the modern (violent) right-wing extremist scene and how it has evolved from past manifestations.

It also highlights a number of promising practices from previous programmes targeting right-wing violence. Several core concepts of these approaches remain highly valuable today.

However, a more diverse “at-risk” group, increasing internationalisation and online presence demand for supplementary measures and a rethink of some aspects.

Contemporary manifestations of violent right-wing extremism in the EU cover


  • 26 MAY 2021
Contemporary manifestations of violent right-wing extremism in the EU: An overview of P/CVE practices