This meeting will take place on 11 June in Stockholm, Sweden.
We are looking for participants that are interested in joining the upcoming study visit on the Swedish approach to tackling violent right-wing extremism.
- radicalisation
- Tuesday 11 June 2024, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Stockholm, Sweden
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 11 June 2024, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Where
- RAN Study VisitStockholm, Sweden
- Languages
- English
- Organisers
- RAN Practitioners Staff
Background and aim of the meeting
Violent right-wing extremism is present in Europe in a myriad of manifestations, and is – rightfully so – a core topic on the European P/CVE agenda. In recent years, RAN Practitioners has looked at the topic from many different angles. Previous RAN Practitioners events and publications have dealt with distinct aspects such as the lone actor phenomenon (RAN cross-cutting thematic event ‘Lone actors – jointly taking stock of recent developments and combining knowledge’, April 2021), manifestations of VRWE on the local level and how to counter them (RAN FC&S Meeting ‘Violent right-wing extremism in communities’, November 2021), the overlap between extremist ideologies (including VRWE) and conspiracy narratives in the context of COVID-19 (RAN Thematic event ‘Conspiracy narratives and anti-government sentiments in relation to (V)RWE and other forms of extremism’, March 2022), as well as what the EU and the US can learn from each other about tackling VRWE (RAN study visit ‘Violent Right-wing Extremism [VRWE] in the US and EU’, March 2023).
This study visit will invite 15 practitioners from all over the EU to Stockholm, Sweden, to get first-hand insight into the workings of several organisations preventing and countering VRWE: 1) the government CVE centre (Center mot våldsbejakande extremism), which coordinates all the work in Sweden against violent extremism; 2) the youth centre Fryshuset, where the Exit Sweden programme is located, and 3) the Dialogue police unit, which operates to ensure safety and management of public gatherings of violent extremists (such as demonstrations and manifestations) from a de-escalating standpoint.
Hearing from this diverse set of organisations, the participants will not focus on just one aspect of VRWE but on the whole-of-society approach that is needed to counter it. How has Sweden dealt with the issue in the last few decades, and how do they manage the issue now? Which organisations are involved, how do they cooperate and which challenges do they encounter? What are current trends in VRWE (in Sweden and beyond), and how does Sweden adjust to this continuously changing landscape? During the meeting there will also be ample time for the visiting practitioners to share their expertise and exchange with the other participants present.
Target group
The main target audience of this study visit consists of P/CVE practitioners in the EU who have a specific focus on VRWE in their work, including law enforcement officers, CSOs, exit workers, youth and social workers, teachers and educational professionals.
Deadline and practical information
If you are interested in participating in this meeting, please fill out the form by clicking here. Please answer the questions and submit all relevant information no later than 24 May.
We will invite participants based on this information. Please keep in mind that we only have a limited number of places available for this meeting, so participation is not guaranteed. Moreover, participants are required to attend both days of the meeting.
Travel and accommodation are arranged and covered by RAN, and the meeting will be held in English.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Fenna Canters or Robert Örell.