Firearms Directive
The Firearms Directive (EU) 2021/555 defines minimum common rules on the acquisition and possession of firearms in the EU, as well as on the transfer of firearms from one EU country to another.
It replaces the previous Directive 91/477/EEC as revised in 2017. It balances internal market objectives and security imperatives regarding civilian firearms. The latest changes to the Directive in 2017 brought substantial improvements to security by making it harder to legally acquire the most dangerous weapons, such as automatic firearms transformed into semi-automatics, semi-automatic firearms with high-capacity magazines, or with folding or telescopic stocks.
The Firearms Directive also strengthens cooperation between EU countries by improving the exchange of information, and brings substantial improvements to traceability of firearms by improving the tracking of legally held firearms to reduce the risk of diversion into illegal markets.
Main changes to the Firearms Directive
- A ban of certain semi-automatic firearms
- automatic firearms transformed into semi-automatic firearms,
- long semi-automatic firearms of length less than 60cm,
- long semi-automatic firearms with loading devices of more than 10 rounds,
- and short semi-automatic firearms with a loading device of more than 20 rounds.
Regulation of acoustic weapons
An acoustic or salute weapon is an active weapon transformed to only shoot blank for use in theatre or cinema. Such weapons can be easily transformed into fully active firearms. In the future, acoustic and salute weapon can still be used in theatre and movie productions, subject to declaration, authorisation or license depending on the category they belonged to before transformation.
- Regulation of alarm and signal weapons
The Directive focuses on alarm and signal weapons as devices with a cartridge holder which is designed to fire only blanks, irritants, other active substances or pyrotechnic signaling rounds and which is not capable of being converted to expel a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of a combustible propellant. If such a weapon is convertible to expel a shot, bulet or projectile, then it is considered a firearm.
- Inclusion of museums and collectors in the scope of the Directive
Before 2017 the directive did not cover collectors. Collectors and museums are now treated like any civilian firearms owner. They have the possibility to acquire category A firearms but only under strict conditions.
- Deactivated weapons are included in the scope of the directive
Regulating the deactivated weapons is now subject to declaration to national authorities. Stricter rules for the deactivation of firearms were also adopted.
- Stricter conditions for online acquisition of firearms
Stricter conditions for online acquisition of firearms to better control the acquisition of firearms, its pieces and ammunition through the internet.
- Marking of firearms
Clearer rules on marking of firearms to improve traceability.
EU countries need to ensure that any firearm or part placed on the market has been marked and registered in national computerised data-filing systems.
- Conditions for medical tests
All EU countries have to put in place a system of medical check for the authorisation to acquire firearms. EU countries will define the details concerning medical checks
Secondary legislation
The revised Firearms Directive required the European Commission to adopt several implementing and delegated acts to further enhance the security dimension of the directive.
Deactivation of firearms
The Firearms Directive requires the European Commission to adopt standards and rules on the deactivation of firearms and to update them regularly. The Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2403 (Deactivation Regulation) establishes common guidelines on deactivation within the EU with the objective to circumvent problems due to the illegal re-activation of firearms. The Deactivation regulation became applicable from 8 April 2016 whenever deactivated firearms are placed on the market or transferred to another EU country from that date.
The Firearms Directive gave EU countries the possibility to notify the Commission of the national deactivation standards and techniques they applied before 8 April 2016. Based on the examination procedure referred to in Article 20(2), the Commission then needs to adopt an implementing act deciding whether the national deactivating standards and techniques notified ensure that firearms were deactivated with a level of security equivalent to that ensured by the Deactivation Regulation.
In 2018, a new Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/337 was put in place, amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2403, which establishes common guidelines on deactivation standards and techniques for ensuring that deactivated firearms are rendered irreversibly inoperable.
National entities authorised to verify deactivation of firearms
The new EU rules on the deactivation of firearms foresee that the Commission publishes a list of all national entities authorised by EU countries to verify that firearms have been deactivated correctly (including their contact details and symbol, where applicable).
Country | Entity | Address | Contact information | |
AUSTRIA | Ministry of Interior | Herrengasse 7, 1010 Vienna | T (+43) 1531263989 F (+43) 1531263760 | |
Umathum Stefan | A-7132 Frauenkirchen, Hintere Zeile 20 | +43 (0)6609999100 | | |
Falch Emanuel | A-6580 St. Anton/Arlberg, Nassereinergasse 11 | +43 (0)6649220395 | | |
Waffen Dorfner | A-1100 Wien, Jagdgasse 2g | +43 (0)176044431 | | |
Kruschitz Martin | A-1090 Wien, Kolingasse 17 | +43 (0)13177173 | | |
Joh.Springer's Erben | A-1080 Wien, Josefsgasse 10 | +43 (0)14061104 | | |
Kreutzer Otto | A-8952 Irdning, Falkenburg 173 | +43 (0)368225423 | | |
Zimmermann Heinz | A-2130 Mistelbach, Josef Dunkl-Straße 10 | +43 (0)25722781 | | |
Enengl GmbH | A-3910 Zwettl, Landstraße 32 | +43 (0)282252388 | | |
Hetzer Heinrich | A-3830 Waidhofen/Thaya, Anton-Kainz-Str.11 | +43 (0)6642300713 | | |
Bartolot Werner | A-9620 Hermagor, Egger Straße 5 | +43 (0)42823288 | | |
Wertgarner Wilfried | A-4600 Wels, Maximilianstraße 4 | +43 (0)724245650 | | |
Waffenstube GmbH | A-4030 Linz, Nestroystraße 10 | +43 (0)6649112311 | | |
Waffen Martinz | A-9400 Wolfsberg, Kollnitzergasse 2 | +43 (0)43522448 | | |
Ing. Steinmann | A-8160 Weiz, Marburger Straße 6 | +43 (0)31722217 | juergen@steinmann.ccf | |
Honsig-Erlenburg | A-9300 St. Veit/Glan, Marktstraße 2 | +43 (0)42122132 | | |
Waffen Wieser GmbH | A-4400 Steyr, Schönauerstraße 9 | +43 (0)725253059 | | |
Johann Glatz | A-9587 Riegersdorf, Erlendorf 55 | +43 (0)42574544 | | |
UMAREX GmbH&CO KG | A-6342 Niederndorf, Prof.Dr.Anton Kathrein Str. 3 | +43 (0)537361110 | | |
Rößler Waffen GmbH | A-6330 Kufstein, Prof. Schlosser-Str. 31 | +43 (0)537290810 | | |
Jagd&Sportwaffen Lohr | A-5280 St. Peter am Hart, Burgstall 22 | +43 (0)87251368 | | |
Anton Schwandner GmbH | A-1040 Wien, Paniglgasse 17a | +43 (0)15058140 | | |
Waffen Ortner | A-4710 Grieskrichen, Pühringerplatz 2 | +43 (0)7248625020 | | |
Pongauer Jagdstube | A-5600 St. Johann/Pg., Hans Kappacherstraße 9 | +43 (0)64125353 | | |
Keckeis GmbH | A-6700 Bludenz, Werdenbergerstraße 2 | +43 (0)555262158 | | |
HAMBRUSCH GmbH | A-9170 Ferlach, Gartengasse 4 | +43 (0)42272262 | | |
HANZ GmbH | A-4481 Asten, Bahnhofstraße 8 | +43 (0)6767114990 | | |
Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Andreas Sulz | A-1130 Wien, Laverangasse 46 | +43 (0)676 4138600 | | |
LIMEX GmbH | A-9162 Strau, Gewerbepark Draubogen 2 | +43 (0)422726305 | | |
Ing. Martin Kruschitz | A-1030 Wien, Rennweg 83 | +43 (0)17137530 | | |
Ing. Mag. Udo Winter | A-4020 Linz, Losensteinerstraße 23 | +43 (0)732677905 | | |
Glock GmbH | A-2231 Deutsch-Wagram, Nelkengasse 3 | +43 (0)224790300-0 | | |
Hannes Thiess | A-7343 Neutal, Theodor Kerystraße 21 | +43 (0)6504987333 | | |
Waffen Wieser GmbH | A-4400 Steyr, Schönauerstraße 9 | +43 (0)725253059 | | |
VOERE Präzisionstechnik GmbH | A-6330 Kufstein, Untere Sparchen 56 | +43 (0)537262547 | | |
Steyr Arms GmbH | A-4442 Sankt Peter in der Au, Ramingtal 46 | +43 7252 896 0 | | |
OSMI GmbH | A-1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 53 | +43 (0)69915002500 | | |
Stefan UMATHUM | A-7132 Frauenkirchen, Hintere Zeile 20 | +43 (0)6609999100 | | |
IMPEXMILTRADE GmbH | A-8480 Mureck, Hauptplatz 36 | +43 (0)6641402245 | | |
Christian Hösz | A-7332 Oberpetersdorf, Blumengasse 6 | +43 (0)65035039 | | |
KaWaTec GmbH | A-8430 Leibnitz, Schmiedgasse 34 | +43 (0)676720742 | | |
VOERE Holding GmbH | A-6330 Kufstein, Untere Sparchen 56 | +43 (0)537262547 | | |
Ing. Mag. Roland PLATSCHKA | A-2130 Mistelbach, Franz-Josef-Straße 99 | +43 (0)6604976700 | | |
Gundhard KÖGEL | A-6345 Kössen, Dorf 41 | +43 (0)537529131 | | |
Ing. Kurt SPERK | A-2130 Mistelbach, Höhenweg 3 | +43 (0)6763912284 | | |
HAST Heeresausrüstung & Sicherheitstechnik Gm | A-4754 Andrichsfurt, Furt 43 | +43 (0)7750842623 | | |
RDC Trading GmbH | A-4020 Linz, Losensteinerstraße 23 | +43 (0)732677905 | | |
Ing. Mag. (FH) Jürgen MARSCHING | A-9300 St. Veit an der Glan, Blintendorf 13 | +43 (0)6642411270 | | |
Koegel-Tec Defence GmbH | 6345 Kössen, Dorf 41 | +43 (0)664 571 5337 | | |
Idl GmbH | 9900 Lienz, Südbahnstr. 1 | +43 4852 63666 | | |
BELGIUM | Banc d’Epreuves des armes à feu | Rue Fond des Tawes 45, 4000 Liège | T (+32) 4 227 14 55 F (+32) 4 227 81 78 | |
BULGARIA | 'Control of Generally Dangerous Means' Unit - General Directorate 'National Police', Ministry of Interior | Blv Alexander Malinov 1, 1715 Sofia | T (+359) 298 289 25/ (+359)298 288 37 F (+359) 298 291 91 | |
CROATIA | Ministry of the Interior - Forensic science centre "Ivan Vučetić" | "Ilica 335, 10 000 Zagreb" | T (+385) 1 37 88 524 F (+385) 1 37 88 051 | |
CYPRUS | Guns Registry Office | Antistratigou Evaggelou Floraki, P.C. 1478, Nicosia | T (+357) 228 08 384 F (+357) 995 556 85 | |
CZECHIA | Police Presidium of the Czech Republic | Strojnická 27, 170 89 Praha 7 | T (+420) 974 811 111 F (+420) 974 834 726 | |
Regional Directorate – Prague | Kongresová 2, 140 00 Praha 4 | T (+420) 974 821 111 F (+420) 974 825 212 | | |
Regional Directorate – Central Bohemian Region | Na Baních 1535, 156 64 Praha 5 - Zbraslav | T (+420) 974 821 111 F (+420) 974 825 212 | | |
Regional Directorate – South Bohemian Region | Lannova 26, 370 74 České Budějovice | T (+420) 974 221 229 F (+420) 974 221 900 | | |
Regional Directorate – Karlovy Vary Region | Závodní 386/100, 360 06 Karlovy Vary | T (+420) 974 361 111 F (+420) 353 540 656 | | |
Regional Directorate – Plzen Region | Nádražní 2, 306 28 Plzeň | T (+420) 974 321 111 F (+420) 974 322 203 | | |
Regional Directorate – Ústí nad Labem Region | Lidické náměstí 9, 401 79 Ústí nad Labem | T (+420) 974 421 111 F (+420) 974 427 006 | | |
Regional Directorate – Liberec Region | Nám. Dr. E. Beneše 584/24, 460 32 Liberec | T (+420) 974 461 229 F (+420) 974 461 028 | | |
Regional Directorate – Hradec Králové Region | Ulrichovo nám. 810, 501 01 Hradec Králové | T (+420) 974 521 111 F (+420) 974 521 228 | | |
Regional Directorate – Pardubice Region | Na Spravedlnosti 2516, 530 48 Pardubice | T (+420) 974 566 111 F (+420) 974 561 228 | | |
Regional Directorate – Vysocina Region | Vrchlického 46, 587 24 Jihlava | T (+420) 974 261 111 F (+420) 974 261 700 | | |
Regional Directorate – South Moravian Region | Kounicova 24, 611 32 Brno | T (+420) 974 621 111 F (+420) 974 622 564 | | |
Regional Directorate – Zlín Region | J. A. Bati 5637, 760 01 Zlín | T (+420) 974 661 111 F (+420) 974 661 900 | | |
Regional Directorate – Moravian-Silesian Region | 30. dubna 24, 728 99 Moravská Ostrava a Prívoz | T (+420) 974 721 111 F (+420) 974 721 900 | | |
Regional Directorate – Olomouc Region | Tr. Kosmonautu 189/10, 771 36 Olomouc | T (+420) 974 766 111 F (+420) 974 761 900 | | |
DENMARK | Danish National Police, National Forensic Service | Polititorvet 14, 1780 Copenhagen V. | T (+45) 4515 4200 F (+45) 3332 2771 | |
ESTONIA | Police and Border Guard Board | Pärnu mnt 139, 15060 Tallinn | T (+372) 612 30 00 F (+372) 612 30 09 | |
FINLAND | Poliisihallitus, asehallinto/National Police Board, Firearms Administration | | ||
FRANCE | Banc National d’Epreuve des armes de Saint Etienne | Z.I. Molina La Chazotte, 5 rue de Méons - CS 40147, 42004 Saint Etienne cedex 1 | T (+33) 4 77 25 12 06 F (+33)4 77 37 70 46 | |
GERMANY | Beschussamt Suhl | Thueringer Landesamt fuer Verbraucherschutz, An der Hasel 2, 98527 Suhl | T (+49) 368139640 F (+49) 3681396430 | |
Beschussamt Ulm | Regierungspräsidium Tuebingen, Eich- und Beschusswesen B-W, Albstr. 74, 89081 Ulm | T (+49) 731 9 68 51 20 F (+49) 731 9 68 51 99 | | |
Beschussamt Koeln | Landesbetrieb fuer Mess- und Eichwesen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Betriebsstelle Eichamt, Hugo-Eckener-Str. 14, 50829 Koeln | T (+49) 221 59778 0 T (+49) 221 59778 290 F (+49) 221 59778 205 | | |
Beschussamt Muenchen | Franz-Schank-Str. 9, 80638 Muenchen | T (+49) 89 17901 339 F (+ 49) 89 17901 260 | | |
Beschussamt Mellrichstadt | Lohstr. 5, 97638 Mellrichstadt | T (+49) 9776 7050 0 F (+ 49) 9776 5457 | | |
GREECE | 301 Depot Maintenance Factory | 44-46 Dimokratias Avenue, GR-135 61, Agioi Anargyroi | T (+30)210 2611738 | |
Naval Weapons Directory of Salamis Naval Base | Paloukia, Salamis Island, GR-189 00 | T (+30)210 4649920 | | |
HUNGARY | Polgári Kézilőfegyver- és Lőszervizsgáló Kft. (Civilian Small Arms and Ammunition Examiner Ltd) | Gyöngysor u. 6., H-1031 Budapest | T (+361) 347 60 30 F (+361) 347 60 39 | |
IRELAND | Will request the assistance of verifying entities in other Member States as foreseen in Article 4 of the Deactivation Regulation | |||
ITALY | Banco Nazionale di Prova per le Armi da Fuoco Portatili e per le Munizioni Commerciali | Via Goffredo Mameli, 23, 25063 - Gardone Val Trompia (Brescia) | T (+39) 0308919800 T (+39) 0308919810 F (+39) 0308911543 | |
LATVIA | Forensic Service Department of State Police of Latvia | Bruninieku iela 72b, Riga, LV – 1009 | T (+371) 67208420 | |
LITHUANIA | Lithuanian Police Forensic Science Centre | Liepyno Str. 11a, LT-08108 Vilnius | T (+370) 52719680 F (+370) 52719690 | firearms@policija.It |
LUXEMBOURG | Police Grand-Ducale - Service d’Appui Logistique et Technique | 18, rue des Peupliers, L-2328 HAMM | ||
MALTA | Ballistics Unit Malta Police Force | Police General Headquarters,St. Calcedonius Square Floriana, FRN 1530 | T (+356) 22942761 | |
NETHERLANDS | Team Politieuitrusting (PU) | | ||
POLAND | Centralne Laboratorium Kryminalistyczne Policji/ Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police | Aleje Ujazdowskie 7, 00-583 Warszawa | T (+48) 226217916 T (+48) 477215595 F (+48) 477215556 | |
Wojskowy Instytut Techniczny Uzbrojenia/ Military Institute of Armament Technology | ul. Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego 7, 05-220 Zielonka | T (+48) 227614445 F (+48) 227614445 | | |
PORTUGAL | Public Security Police – PSP, National Bureaux, Firearms and Explosives Department | Rua Artilharia Um, nº 21, 1269-003 Lisboa | T (+351 ) 213703925 F (+351) 213867272 | |
ROMANIA | The Romanian General Police Inspectorate | Mihai Voda Street, no.6, sector 5, Bucharest | ||
Directorate for Firearms, Explosives and Hazardous Substances | Stefan cel Mare, nr.13-15, sector 2, Bucharest | T (+21) 2082525 F (+21) 3127820 | | |
SLOVAKIA | Military Technical and Testing Institute Záhorie | 905 24 Senica | T (+421) 346970111 | |
SLOVENIA | Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Komisija za izdajanje potrdil o onesposobitvi strelnega orožja | Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana | T (+386) 14284465 | |
SPAIN | Banco Oficial de Pruebas de Éibar | Azitaingo Industrialdea 2, 20600 Eibar, Gipuzkoa | T (+34) 943201825 | |
Dirección General de Armamento y Material (Ministerio de Defensa) | Donoso Cortes 92, 28015 Madrid | T (+34) 915506185 | | |
SWEDEN | Polismyndigheten / The Swedish Police Authority | 106 75 Stockholm | T (+46) 771141400 F (+46) 105634444 | |
UNITED KINGDOM | The Birmingham Proof House | Bandury Street, Birmimgham, B5 5RH | T (+44) 1216433860 F(+44) 1216437872 | |
The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers | The London Proof House, 48-50 Commercial Road, London E1 1LP | T (+44) 2074812695 | |
- 30 MAY 2024
Marking of firearms
The Firearms Directive requires that firearms and their essential components, whether part of a firearm or placed separately on the market, have a clear, permanent and unique marking applied to them. That is why, the Implementing Directive (EU) 2019/68, establishing technical specifications for the marking of firearms and their essential components was put in place. The implementing act defines technical specifications to ensure that this unique marking is clear and not easily erased or altered.
Alarm and signal weapons
The Implementing Directive (EU) 2019/69 lays down technical specifications for alarm and signal weapons on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons. It defines technical specifications for the design or make of alarm and signal weapons to prevent them from being converted into real firearms. Any alarm or signal weapon that is convertible to expel projectiles is considered a firearm and therefore falls under the provisions of the Firearms Directive.
In order to support the verification process of EU countries, the Implementing Directive enables to exchange information on the checks carried out. For this purpose, each EU country should designate at least one national focal point to provide the information of these results. This list of national focal points needs to be communicated to the Commission and can be found here:
Country | Entity | Address | Contact information | |
AUSTRIA | focal point part of Federal Ministry of Interior | Abt. III/3, 1010 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 9 | | |
BELGIUM | Banc d’Epreuves des armes à feu | Rue Fond des Tawes 45, 4000 Liège | T (+32) 42271455 F (+32) 42278178 | |
BULGARIA | Ministry of Interior, General Directorate 'National Police, ''Control of Generally Dangerous Means' Unit | Blv Alexander Malinov 1, 1715 Sofia | T (+359) 29828925 / (+359) 29828837 F (+359) 29829191 | |
CROATIA | Ministry of the Interior - Inspection for production and trade of explosive substances and arms | Ilica 335, 10 000 Zagreb | T (+385) 14887020 | |
CYPRUS | ||||
CZECHIA | Czech Proof House | Jilmová 759/12, 130 00 Prague 3 | T (+420) 284081822 | |
DENMARK | Danish Police Administrative Center | Ivar Lundgaards Vej 4, 7500 Holstebro | T (+45) 70201473 | |
ESTONIA | Police and Border Guard Board | Pärnu mnt 139, 15060 Tallinn | T (+372) 6123000 | |
FINLAND | Poliisihallitus, asehallinto/National Police Board, Firearms Administration | P.O. Box 50, FI-11101 Riihimäki | T (+358) 295480181 F (+358) 295411780 | |
FRANCE | Weapons Central Service of Ministry of Interior | |||
GERMANY | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Department 1.3 | Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig | T (+49) 5315920 | |
GREECE | ||||
HUNGARY | Polgári Kézilőfegyver- és Lőszervizsgáló Kft. (Civilian Small Arms and Ammunition Examiner Ltd) | Gyöngysor u. 6., H-1031 Budapest | T (+361) 3476030 F (+361) 3476039 | |
IRELAND | Firearms and Explosives Unit, Department of Justice | 51 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 | T (+353) 16028340 F (+353) 16028374 | |
ITALY | Banco Nazionale di Prova per le Armi da Fuoco Portatili e per le Munizioni Commerciali | Via Goffredo Mameli, 23, 25063 - Gardone Val Trompia (Brescia) | T (+39) 0308919800 T (+39) 0308919810 F (+39) 0308911543 Web: | |
LATVIA | Licensing and Permission System Bureau of the State Police | Ciekurkalna 1.linija 1, K-4 LV-1026 Riga | T (+371) 67208232 | |
LITHUANIA | License Division of the Police Department - commission of experts | |||
MALTA | ||||
NETHERLANDS | not appointed - forbidden to have gas and alarm weapons | |||
POLAND | ||||
PORTUGAL | Weapons and explosives | Rua Artilharia Um, nº 21, 1269-003 Lisboa | T (+351) 218111000 ext 15133 | |
ROMANIA | General-Inspectorate of Romanian Police - Weapons, Explosives and Hazardous Substances directorate | 13-15 Stefan cel Mare Bld., sector 2 RO-020123 Bucharest | T (40) 212082525 | |
SLOVAKIA | Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing (SOSMT) | Štefanovičova 3, P.O. Box 76, 810 05 Bratislava 15, ICO: 30810710 | T (+421) 252493521 | |
SLOVENIA | Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Direktorat za upravne notranje zadeve | Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana | T (+386) 14284465 | |
SPAIN | Central Division Weapons and Explosives - Spanish Guardia Civil | C/Batalla del Salado 32, 28045 Madrid | T (+34) 915142942 | |
SWEDEN | Swedish Police Authority - Department for Legal Affairs | SE-106 75 Stockholm | T (+46) 771141400 F (+46) 105633888 | |
ICELAND | ||||
NORWAY | ||||
SWITZERLAND | The federal office of Police with the centralized weapons unit for administrative matter is responsible. If there is any doubt about the classification, the Forensic Institute of the Canton of Zurich is consulted | | ||
UNITED KINGDOM | National Ballistics intelligence service |
Exchange of information between EU countries
The Firearms Directive also requires the Commission to adopt delegated acts on setting up an electronic system to exchange information between EU countries. Namely, on the transfers of firearms within the EU and on the refusals to grant firearms authorisations. The EU Member States agreed to implement both information exchanges by using the internal market information system.
On 16 January 2019, the Commission adopted the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/686, laying down the detailed arrangements for the systematic exchange, by electronic means, of information relating to the transfer of firearms within the EU. An electronic information exchange system on firearms transfers within the EU improves how EU countries currently exchange information. It helps to ensure that firearm transfer authorisations cannot be granted based on fraudulent documentation. The internal market information system for transfers of firearms within the EU has been up and running since 3 September 2019.
Country | Entity | Address | Contact information | |
AUSTRIA | Abt. III/3 – Sicherheitsverwaltung; Ministry of Interior | Herrengasse 7, 1010 Vienna | T (+43) 1531263911 F (+43) 1531263760 | |
BELGIUM | Federal level(dealers-brokers for export) | Ministry of Justice - Federale Wapendienst | Waterloolaan 115, 1000 Brussel | T (+32) 25426511 F (+32) 25427034 | |
Walloon Region | Service public de Wallonie/économie emploi formation recherche - Direction licences armes -Ilot Saint Luc | 14 Chaussée de Louvain, 5000 Namur | T (+32) 81649751 F (+32) 81649760 | | |
Flemish Region | Department of Chancellery and Foreign Affairs - Strategic Goods Control | Havenlaan 88 bus 80, 1000 Brussel | T (+32) 499589934 | | |
Brussels Region | Brussels International - SPRB - Cellule Armes | Place Saint-Lazare 2, 1035 Bruxelles | T (+32) 28003727 | | |
BULGARIA | 'Control of Generally Dangerous Means' Unit - General Directorate "National Police" - Ministry of Interior | Boulevard Alexander Malinov 1, 1715 Sofia | T (+359) 29828925 / 29828837 F (+359) 29835677 | |
CROATIA | Ministry of the Interior - Section for Weapons | Ilica 335, 10 000 Zagreb | T (+385) 13788194 / 13788160 F (+385) 13788772 | |
Ministry of the Interior - Inspection for production and trade of explosive substances and arms | Ilica 335, 10 000 Zagreb | T (+385) 14887640 / 14887268 F (+385) 14887220 | | |
CYPRUS | Cyprus Police - Crime Combating Department - Guns Registry Office | Antistratigou Evaggelou Floraki, 1478 Nicosia | T (+357) 22808384 F (+357) 99555685 | |
CZECHIA | Police presidium - Directorate for Firearms and Security Material | PO Box 62, 170 89 Praha 7 | T (+420)974834436 F (+420) 974834726 | |
DENMARK | The Danish Ministry of Justice | Slotsholmsgade 10, 1216 Copenhagen | T (+45) 72268400 | |
ESTONIA | Public Order and Criminal Policy Department - Estonian Ministry of the Interior | Pikk 61, 15065 Tallinn | T (+372) 6125185 | |
FINLAND | Poliisihallitus, asehallinto/National Police Board, Firearms Administration | P.O. Box 50, FI-11101 Riihimäki | T (+358) 295480181 F (+358) 295411780 | |
FRANCE | Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects - Sous-Direction du Commerce International Bureau E2 - section Prohibitions | 11 rue des Deux Communes, 93 558 Montreuil cedex | T (+33) 157534398 F (+33) 157534832 | |
GERMANY | Federal Office of Administration | Barbarastraße 1, 50735 Köln | T (+49) 22899358-4801 / 22899358-4817 F (+49) 228993582805 | |
GREECE | Hellenic Police Headquarters - Security Branch - State Security Division - Firearms and Explosives Department | 4 P. Kanellopoulou St, 10177 Athens | T (+30) 2131520148 | |
HUNGARY | National Police Headquarters - Directorate General for Law Enforcement | Teve u. 4-6, 1139 Budapest | T (+361) 4435620 F (+361) 4435514 | |
IRELAND | Firearms and Explosives Unit, Department of Justice and Equality | 94 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 | T (+353) 16028340 F (+353) 16028374 | |
ITALY | Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza - Ufficio per l’Amministrazione Generale del Dipartimento - Ufficio IV - Polizia ammnistrativa e di sicurezza | Via Agostino Depretis 45a, 00184 Roma | T (+39) 0646546020 / 0646547825 | |
LATVIA | Licensing and Permission System Bureau of the State Police | Stabu street 89, 1009 Riga | T (+371) 67208232 F (+371) 67208260 | |
LITHUANIA | Police department under the Ministry of Interior | Saltoniškių st. 19, 08105 Vilnius | T (+370) 52719767 F (+370) 52719976 | |
LUXEMBOURG | Service des armes prohibèes - Ministère de la Justice | 13 Rue Erasme, 1468 Luxembourg | T (+352) 24784014 F (+352) 220519 | |
MALTA | Malta Police Force - Weapons Office - Police Headquarters | St. Calcedonius Square, Floriana | T (+356) 22942110 / 22942111 | |
NETHERLANDS | Ministry of Security and Justice - Directorate General for the Administration of Justice and Law Enforcement - Law Enforcement Department | Turfmarkt 147 - 2511 DP Den Haag Postbus 20301 2500 EH Den Haag | T (+31) 653980492 | |
POLAND | Komenda Główna Policji, Biuro Prewencji | ul. Puławska 148/150, 02624 Warszawa | T (+48) 477212205 (secretariat) / 477214279 F (+48) 477214220 / 477213497 | |
PORTUGAL | Public Security Police – PSP, Weapons and Explosives Department - Division of Firearms and Ammunitions | Rua Artilharia Um, nº 21, 1269-003 Lisboa | T (+351) 218111000 ext 15133 / 218115106 F (+351) 213867272 | |
ROMANIA | General-Inspectorate of Romanian Police - Weapons, Explosives and Hazardous Substances directorate | 13-15 Stefan cel Mare Bld., sector 2, 020123 Bucharest | T (40) 213127820 F (+40) 213127820 | |
SLOVAKIA | Ministerstvo vnútra SR - Prezídium Policajného zboru - Odbor dokladov a evidencií | Račianska 45, 81272 Bratislava | T (+421) 9610/50357 F (+421) 961059145 / 961059183 | |
SLOVENIA | Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve - Direktorat za upravne notranje zadeve - Migracije in Naturalizacijo, Sektor za Zbiranja in Orozja | Litostrojska cesta 54, 1501 Ljubljana | T (+386) 14284948 / 14284350 / 14284574 / 14284273 | |
SPAIN | Central Division Weapons and Explosives - Spanish Guardia Civil | C/Batalla del Salado 32, 28045 Madrid | T (+34) 915142419 | |
SWEDEN | Swedish Police Authority - Department for Legal Affairs | SE-106 75 Stockholm | T (+46) 771141400 F (+46) 105633888 / 105634444 | |
SWITZERLAND | Federal office of Police (fedpol) - Central Office for Weapons | Nussbaumstrasse 29, 3003 Bern | T (+41) 584645400 F (+41) 584647948 | |
On 21 May 2021 the Commission adopted the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1423 on the refusals to grant authorisations to acquire or possess certain firearms. The delegated Regulation decides that for a period of 10 years, an EU country will be able to find out, if a person received a refusal to grant authorisation within another EU country. This delegated regulation will prevent shopping amongst EU Member States for authorisations to own a firearm. The information gathered does not contain the reasons for refusal but a contact person/institution to direct further questions is added.
The delegated regulation sets out the:
- information to be exchanged,
- obligations to remove, update and review information and
- the period for which information remains accessible in internal market information system.
The internal market information system for refusals of authorisation within the EU has been up and running from 31 January 2022.
Firearms Regulation
The UN’s Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components and Ammunition is the only legally binding instrument on small arms at global level. It establishes a set of rules for countries to control and regulate illicit firearms and arms trafficking, prevent their diversion into crime, and facilitate the investigation and prosecution of related offences without hampering legitimate trade. The Protocol supplements the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime.
Regulation (EU) 2012/258 on import, export and transfer of civilian firearms implements Article 10 (which deals with imports, exports and transit of firearms) of the Protocol. The Firearms Regulation is applicable since 30 September 2013. The key points are:
- Annex I to this regulation contains a list of firearms, their parts and ammunition that require export authorisation.
- The relevant authority of the EU Member State where a prospective exporter is based may grant export authorisation upon receiving an export authorisation form from that exporter.
- When exporting firearms, their parts and ammunition outside the EU, an exporter must provide the relevant authority in its own EU Member State with authorisation from the non-EU country receiving the shipment, and from any non-EU countries through which the shipment will pass.
- For traceability purposes, export and import authorisations and their accompanying documentation must contain information including, for example: the place and date of issue, the expiry date, both the country of export and import, transit countries, the final recipient, and a description of and quantity of the firearms, their parts and ammunition.
- Simplified procedures exist for firearms, their parts and ammunition used for hunting and sports shooting.
- When deciding whether to grant an export authorisation, EU Member States must take into consideration international treaties and national foreign and security policy.
- EU Member States also need to take into account the considerations covered by Council Common Position 2008/994/CFSP, which defines EU rules on the control of exports of military technology and equipment. These include aspects such as, risk that the intended recipient would use the military technology or equipment to be exported aggressively against another country or to assert by force a territorial claim, or risk that the military technology or equipment would be diverted within the buyer country or re-exported under undesirable conditions.
- EU Member States must refuse to grant export authorisation, if the applicant has a criminal record. In addition, they must annul, suspend, modify or revoke the authorisation if the conditions are no longer met.
- The regulation does not apply to antique or deactivated firearms, or to firearms intended for military or police use.
Proposal to revise the Firearms Regulation
On 27 October 2022, the Commission launched the proposal to revise the Firearms Regulation. The scope of the proposal focuses on ensuring consistency between the Firearms Directive and the Firearms Regulation on import and export of civilian firearms. Furthermore, the focus is purely on civilian firearms. The distinction with military firearms is based on the transaction of the firearm. The revision of the Firearms Regulation will not include transactions, as well as direct sales, to the armed forces, the police or public authorities.
The aim of the proposal is to balance the facilitation of the legal trade and ownership with the security aspect linked to trafficking of firearms. In particular:
- Clear and harmonised rules for the import, transit and export of civilian firearms
This harmonisation of rules was a request from economic operators and private firearms owners. The proposal better explains the tasks of the different actors (economic operators, competent authorities, customs and others). Provisions regarding marking, deactivated firearms, alarm and signal weapons and administrative simplifications are added. Furthermore, to improve the traceability of every firearms shipment in the EU, a unified authorisation form will be applicable.
- Digitalisation of procedures
Currently, requesting authorisations for import and export is still mainly paper based, the same goes for customs procedures. The proposal of the Commission foresees the creation of an EU electronic licensing system. This system will be used to apply for import and export authorisation. It will replace the different, mostly paper based, national systems. This system will also be interconnected to the EU Single Window Environment for Customs in order to facilitate the exchange of information between customs and competent authorities.
- Administrative simplifications
Hunters, sport shooters or movements linked to exhibitions will be able to benefit from administrative simplifications when temporary importing or exporting their firearms, essential components and ammunition. This means that they do not need prior import or export authorisations, the customs declaration is enough.
- Alarm and signal weapons
The Commission proposes to include import rules for alarm and signal weapons. Convertible alarm and signal weapons have been flooding the EU market and are a clear security threat. The proposal states that imported alarm and signal weapons need to comply with the Implementing Directive 2019/69 which sets technical standards to prove the non-convertibility, or else they should be imported as firearms. The Commission will also establish a list of non-convertible alarm and signal weapons.
- Semi-finished components and firearms
The proposal establishes that semi-finished components and firearms can only be imported by licensed dealers and brokers. This is a key novelty significantly reducing the threat of home manufactured firearms without marking or registration (“ghost guns”).
- End-user certificate
The Commission proposes to add an end-user certificate for the most heavy firearms as a preventive tool to fight against the risk of diversion of civilian firearms during or after export. The end-user certificate is already applicable to firearms under the scope of the Common Position 2008/944/CFSP defining common rules governing control of exports of military technology and equipment. These end-user certificates have to be delivered by the authorities of the country of final destination.
- Refusals to grant authorisations
The proposal establishes the obligation to exchange information regarding refusals to grant authorisations, in order to avoid individuals ‘shopping’ around the EU to obtain an import or export authorisation. Competent authorities will be obliged to check the central system, containing all the refusals, before granting an import or export authorisation.