Explosives used by terrorists or criminals are often so-called ‘Home Made Explosives (HME)’, produced illegally in makeshift kitchen laboratories with easily available chemicals. These chemicals are called ‘explosives precursors’. In many recent attacks in the EU, including those in Paris in 2015, Brussels in 2016, Manchester and Parsons Green in 2017 and Lyon in 2019, terrorists used such HME.
In order to prevent terrorists and criminals getting their hands on these explosives precursors the EU adopted Regulation (EU) 2019/1148 on the marketing and use of explosives precursors.
The Regulation has two main aims:
- to establish harmonised rules on the availability, introduction, possession and use of explosives precursors with a view to limiting those chemicals to the general public
- to ensure appropriate reporting of suspicious transactions throughout the supply chain.
The Standing Committee on Precursors (SCP), an expert group chaired by the Commission and composed of representatives of Member States and of industry associations, assists the Commission in its work to facilitate and harmonise the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/1148.
To monitor the outputs, results and impact of the Regulation, the Commission has on 16 June 2020 adopted a monitoring programme. This programme sets out how and with what intervals data and other necessary evidence are to be collected.
Guidance materials
The Commission has issued a Guidelines document, available in all EU languages, for Member State competent authorities and the private sector in the implementation of the Regulation (EU) 2019/1148. These Guidelines are completed by additional guidance on ‘Verification upon sale’ developed in the context of the Standing Committee on Precursors.
In addition, guidance material for economic operators were prepared by four partner countries, through a project co-funded by the Prevention of and Fight against Crime (ISEC) programme of DG Migration and Home Affairs:
- A template leaflet and a template poster (PDF), available in various languages, provide further practical guidance on how to identify suspicious transactions and on what steps to undertake in case of suspicion. Please see the explanatory letter for more information on the application of these materials and the amendments document for updates to the templates.
- Advice on marketplace sales of explosives precursors and poisons for companies and individuals who sell reportable products via internet marketplaces to members of the public.
Implementation in the EU/EEA Member States of Regulation (EU) No 2019/1148
All EU/EEA Member States must adopt measures and designate authorities to implement and enforce EU legislation.
The following documents are revised regularly on the basis of notifications received from Member States:
Austria | Federal act (BGBl. I No. 140/2020) amending the Austrian Chemical Act (Chemikaliengesetz 1996), the Criminal Intelligence Service Austria Act (Bundeskriminalamt-Gesetz 2002), the Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Act (Fluorierte Treibhausgase-Gesetzes 2009) and the Biocidal Products Act (Biozidproduktegesetzes). |
Belgium | A prohibition is in place. 21 NOVEMBRE 2021 : Loi modifiant la loi du 15 juillet 2016 portant exécution du Règlement (UE) n° 98/2013 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 15 janvier 2013 sur la commercialisation et l'utilisation de précurseurs d'explosifs [et portant des dispositions relatives aux prêts octroyés aux organisateurs de voyages et destinés à procéder aux remboursements des bons à valoir émis conformément à l'arrêté ministériel du 19 mars 2020 relatif au remboursement des voyages à forfait annulés |
Bulgaria | A prohibition is in place. Decree № 283 of 29.12.2015 lays down rules. [New legislation under development]. |
Croatia | A prohibition is in place. The Law on the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/1148 (Narodne novine broj: 34/2021) lays down the rules. |
Cyprus | A prohibition is in place. Law No. 48(I)/2021 lays down rules. |
Czechia | A prohibition is in place. Act No. 259/2014 Coll. Lays down rules. [New legislation under development]. |
Denmark | Act no. 920 of 20 August 2019 maintains a pre-existing licensing regime. |
Estonia | A prohibition is in place. The Chemicals Act of 29.10.2015 lays down rules. [No further information received]. |
Finland | Law 73/2021, 74/2021 and 75/2021 have been adopted to implement Regulation (EU) 2019/1148 and provide further provisions on licensing regime. |
France | Decree No 2021-1033 of 4 August 2021 established a prohibition. |
Germany | Law (Ausgangsstoffgesetz BGBl. I S. 2678) implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1148. |
Greece | A prohibition is in place. The Joint Ministerial Decision ref.no 19013/22-2-2022 (Gazet. Off. 905 B’/2022) lays down rules and penalties |
Hungary | A prohibition is in place. Rules on penalties are laid down by Act II of 2012 on infractions and infraction procedures, Act CXXV of 2017 on administrative sanctions and Government Decree 364/2016 on administrative fines applicable by Government Office of the Capital City Budapest in certain administrative procedures. |
Ireland | Statutory Instrument No. 611 of 2014 established a licensing regime. [No further information received]. |
Italy | A prohibition is in place. Rules on penalties are laid down by L. 17 April 2015, n. 43 (Gazet. Off. 20 April 2015, n. 91.). [No further information received]. |
Latvia | A prohibition is in place. Rules on penalties are laid down in the Criminal Law and the Latvian Administrative Infringements Code. [No further information received]. |
Lithuania | A prohibition is in place. [No further information received]. |
Luxembourg | A prohibition is in place. Mémorial A n° 871 of 15 December 2021 lays down rules. |
Malta | L.N. 319 of 2021 established a licensing regime. |
Netherlands | The Law on explosives precursors established a licensing regime. |
Norway | A prohibition is in place. Regulation 588 of 2 June 2015 lays down rules. [No further information received]. |
Poland | A prohibition is in place. Law of 13 April 2016 on the safety of trading in explosives precursors lays down rules. [New legislation under development]. |
Portugal | Decree-law nº 62/2021 of 26 July 2021 established a licensing regime for one substance. |
Romania | A prohibition is in place. Law 49/2018 of 27 February 2018 lays down rules. [New legislation under development]. |
Slovakia | Act 262 of 10 September 2014 established a licensing and registration regime for three substances. [No further information received]. |
Slovenia | Decree on the implementation of the Regulation (EU) on the marketing and use of explosives precursors, O.J. 109/21 of 9 July 2021, p. 6881 established a prohibition. |
Spain | National law: 25/2022 of 1 December, on explosives precursors |
Sweden | Law (2020:861) amending previous law (2014:799) established a licensing regime for four substances. |
In case you have any question on the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/1148 on the marketing and use of explosives precursors then we suggest you contact the relevant national competent authority. You will find the contact details in the list below:
List of Competent Authorities and National contact points
Country | Competent Authority | National contact point for the reporting of suspicious transactions, disappearances and thefts |
Austria | Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Department V/5 Chemicals Policy and Biocides, Stubenbastei 5, 1010 Vienna Tel. +43 1 51522 2329; E-Mail: v5@bmk.gv.at Olivia Falb-Naderer +43 1 711 62 61 2320 Olivia.falb-naderer@bmk.gv.at Susanne Rose +43 1 711 62 61 2347 Susanne.rose@bmk.gv.at | BK – Büro 3.3 – Suchtkriminalität, Referat 3.3 - Precursor-Competence-Center (EN: Criminal Intelligence Service Office 3.3. – Unit 3.3. - Precursor-Competence Center) E-mail: Precursor@bmi.gv.at Tel.: +43 1 24836 985372 |
Belgium | SPF Economie, P.M.E., Classes moyennes et Energie FOD Economie, K.M.O., Middenstand en Energie FÖD Wirtschaft, K.M.B., Mittelstand und Energie (EN: FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy) Website | Federale politie - Police fédérale - Föderale Polizei (EN: Federal Police) E-mail: explosiveprecursor@police.belgium.eu Tel.: + 32 2 642 63 20 (24h) Tel. Duty Officer: + 32 475 29 28 88 (24h) |
Bulgaria | Министерство на здравеопазването (EN: Ministry of Health) Website | Министерство на вътрешните работи (EN: Ministry of Internal Affairs) E-mail: gdbop@mvr.bg тел. (+359) 2 9828 336 тел. (+359) 2 9828 106 |
Croatia | Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova (EN: Ministry of the Interior) Website Ministarstvo dravlja (EN: Ministry of Health) Website Ministarstvo poljoprivrede (EN: Ministry of Agriculture) Website Državni inspektorat (EN: State Inspectorate) Website | Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova, Ravnateljstvo policije (EN: Ministry of the Interior, Police Directorate) E-mail: prekursori@mup.hr Tel.: +385 13788776 |
Cyprus | Υπουργείο Ενέργειας, Εμπορίου και Βιομηχανίας (EN: Ministry for Energy, Commerce and Industry) Website | Αρχηγείο Αστυνομίας (EN: Police Headquarters) E-mail: deptc.cto@police.gov.cy Tel. 1: +357 22808262 (during office hours) Tel. 2: +357 97617473 (available 24/7) |
Czechia | Český báňský úřad (EN: State Mining Authority) Email: prekurzory@cbu.gov.cz Tel.: +420 221 775 319 Website | Policie České republiky – Národní centrála proti terorismu, extremismu a kybernetické kriminalitě SKPV (EN: Police Czech Republic – National Counter Terrorism, Extremism and Cybercrime Agency) E-mail: nctekk.t3@pcr.cz Tel.: +420 974 842 333 MT: +420 603 191 832 |
Denmark | Justitsministeriet (EN: Ministry of Justice) Website | National Situation and Operations Centre E-mail: pol-nsioc@politi.dk Tel.: +4545153400 |
Estonia | Tarbijakaitse-ja Tehnilise Jarelevalve Amet (EN: Estonian Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority) Website Majandus-ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (EN: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications) Website | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet (EN: Estonian Police and Border Guard Board) E-mail: spoc@politsei.ee Tel.: +372 612 3810 and 112 |
Finland | Poliisihallitus (EN: National Police Board) Tulli (EN: Customs) Website | Keskusrikospoliisi (EN: National Bureau of Investigation) E-mail: lahtoaine.krp@poliisi.fi Tel.: +358 504 177 229 |
France | Ministère de l'Intérieur - Service Central des Armes (EN: Ministry of Interior – Central Weapons Service) Website | Pôle judiciaire de la Gendarmerie nationale (EN: Judiciary pole of the gendarmerie nationale) Plateau d’investigation Armes à feu et explosifs (PIXAF) E-mail: pixaf@gendarmerie.interieur.gouv.fr Tel.: +33 1 78 47 34 29 |
Germany | Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat (EN: Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community) Website | Landeskriminalamt (EN: State Criminal Police Offices of the Länder)
Greece | Yπουργείο Ανάπτυξης και Επενδύσεων Γενική Γραμματεία Βιομηχανίας Γενική Διεύθυνση Βιομηχανικών Υποδομών και Επιχειρηματικού Περιβάλλοντος Δ/νση Ασφάλειας και Συμμόρφωσης Βιομηχανικών Προϊόντων (EN: Ministry of Development and Investments General Secretariat for Industry General Directorate of Industrial Infractructures & Business Environment Safety and Compliance of Industrial Products Directorate E-mail: dasyp@mindev.gov.gr Tel.: +30 210 6914916 Website Website | Ελληνική Αστυνομία (EN: Hellenic Police) E-mail: dka_opla@police.gr Tel.: +30 210 6914916 |
Hungary | Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala Kereskedelmi, Haditechnikai, Exportellenőrzési és Nemesfémhitelesítési Főosztály (EN: Government Office of the Capital City Budapest - Department of Trade, Defence Industry, Export Control and Precious Metal Assay) Website E-mail: keo@bfkh.gov.hu | Országos Rendőr-főkapitányság (EN: National Police Headquarters) E-mail: orfktitkarsag@orfk.police.hu Tel.: 061/443-5500 Tel.: 107 Tel.: 112 |
Ireland | An Garda Síochána (EN: National Police Service) Department of Justice and Equality Website | An Garda Síochána (EN: National Police Service) E-mail: Liaisonandprotection_DV@garda.ie Tel.: +353 1 6661782 (office hours); or Garda 24hr Confidential Line: 1800 666 111; or 999 or 112 (in the event of a serious or imminent threat) |
Italy | Ministero dell’Interno (EN: Ministry of Interior) Website | Ministero dell'Interno (EN: Ministry of Interior) E-mail: precursori@dcpc.interno.it Tel.: +39 0646542182 |
Latvia | Iekšlietu ministrija – Valsts drošības dienests (EN: Ministry of Interior – Latvian State Security Service) Website Website | Valsts drošības dienests (EN: Latvian State Security Service) E-mail: kontaktpunkts@vdd.gov.lv Tel.: (+371) 67208964 |
Lithuania | Policijos Departamentas, Prie vidaus reikalų ministerijos (EN: Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior) Website | Policijos Departamentas, Prie vidaus reikalų ministerijos (EN: Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior) E-mail: trv@policija.lt Tel.: +370 271 9900 |
Luxembourg | Ministère d'Etat - Haut-Commissariat à la Protection Nationale (EN: Ministry of State – High Commission for National Protection) Website | Police grand-ducale Direction relations internationales E-mail: dri@police.etat.lu Tel.: (+352) 244 24 22 51 |
Malta | Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority Website | The Malta Police Force E-mail: pulizija@gov.mt Tel.: (+356) 2122 4001-9 |
Netherlands | Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie - Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid (EN: Ministry of Security and Justice - National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism) Website | Belastingdienst / Nationale politie (EN: Tax Department / national police) E-mail: precursoren@belastingdienst.nl (08-17 hrs) Tel.: +31 88 154 00 00 (24/7) |
Poland | Ministerstwo Rozwoju (EN: Ministry of Economic Development) Website | Komenda Główna Policji (EN: General Police Headquarters) ul. Puławska 148/150, 02-624 Warszawa E-mail: prekursory@policja.gov.pl Tel.: +48 226 012 012, +48 226 0 11 640 |
Portugal | Ministério da Administração Interna - Polícia de Segurança Pública (EN: Ministry of Internal Administration - Public Security Police) Website | National Contact Point – Portugal Polícia de Segurança Pública – Public Security Police Departamento de Armas e Explosivos - Weapons and Explosives Department Divisão de Investigação e Fiscalização - Criminal Investigation and Inspection Division E-mail: arquivo.dae@psp.pt Mobile: +351 962 000 482 Phone: +351 218 111 000 (ext. 15133) |
Romania | Inspectoratul General al Poliției Române – Ministerul Afacerilor Interne (EN: General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police - Ministry of Internal Affairs) Website | Poliția Română (EN: Firearms, Explosives and Dangerous Substances Directorate within the Romanian Police) E-mail: precursori.explozivi@politiaromana.ro Tel.: +40 21.312.78.20 |
Slovakia | (EN: Main Mining Office) Website Ministerstvo vnútra (EN: Ministry of the Interior) Website (EN: District Mining Offices) Website Tel.: +421 45 6782 222 Finančná správa (EN: Financial Administration) Website | Ministerstvo vnútra (EN: Ministry of the Interior) E-mail: prekurzoryvybusnin@minv.sk Tel.: +421 2 9610 56201 |
Slovenia | Ministrstvo za zdravje - Urad Republike Slovenije za kemikalije (EN: Ministry of Health - Chemicals Office of the Republic of Slovenia) Website | Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve - POLICIJA (EN: Ministry of the Interior – International Police Cooperation Division) E-mail: interpol.ljubljana@policija.si Tel.: +386 1 428 4780 Tel.: +386 41 713 680 Tel.: +386 41 713 699 Fax.: +386 1 428 4790 |
Spain | Ministerio del Interior (EN: Ministry of the Interior) Website | Ministerio del Interior Centro de Inteligencia contra el Terrorismo y el Crimen Organizado (CITCO) (EN: Ministry of the Interior – Intelligence Centre for countering terrorism and organised crime) E-mails: citco@interior.es, precursores@interior.es Tel.: +34 91 537 27 66 (24/7) |
Sweden | Försvarsdepartementet (EN: Ministry of Defence) Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) (EN: Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency) Website | Polismyndigheten (EN: Swedish Police Authority) E-mail: prekursor@polisen.se Tel.: 114 14 (+46 77 114 14 00 from abroad) |
Switzerland | (not officially designated) Federal Office of Police - fedpol Central office for explosives and pyrotechnics Website | Federal Office of Police - fedpol National Contact Point for Explosives Precursors E-mail: chemicals@fedpol.admin.ch Tel.: +41 58 460 52 10 |