The European Commission provides financial support to projects and initiatives to better understand and counter the process of radicalisation, which leads to violent extremism and terrorism. Funded research and projects explore influencing factors causing radicalisation, extremist ideologies and recruitment mechanisms, while also developing good practices and concrete guidance and tools.
The Commission set out its prevent policy in two Communications, which also identify concrete actions on EU funding:
- Communication on Preventing Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent Extremism: Strengthening the EU's Response (2014)
- Communication on Supporting the prevention of radicalisation leading to violent extremism (2016)
Preventing radicalisation in the Counter-Terrorism Agenda
The Commission renewed its approach on preventing radicalisation in the Counter-Terrorism Agenda issued in December 2020. It emphasises the importance of instruments and policies that can tackle the root causes of radicalisation, while strengthening resilience, fostering social inclusion, enhancing mutual understanding and tolerance, tackling inequalities, and preventing marginalisation and stigmatisation of groups or communities.
The Agenda sets forth support to local communities to:
- strengthen their resilience
- facilitate disengagement and reintegration, especially of foreign terrorist fighters and their family members
- address radicalisation in prisons
Some policies target as many social groups as possible by building awareness of the general risks of radicalisation among the target groups addressed. Other policies are dedicated to individuals who are at risk of radicalising themselves or who already committed offences punishable under criminal law.
Finally, building on research, the Commission will develop guidance for EU countries and other stakeholders regarding lone actors, including risk assessments and possible responses to this phenomenon.
Funding opportunities
Funding opportunities (EU grants and procurements) for research and projects on preventing radicalisation are regularly published on the Commission Funding Tender Opportunities Portal.
The portal includes publication of calls as well as projects results. It is possible to search for funding opportunities related to radicalisation through the keyword search function.
The table below presents other funding opportunities for the actions supported before 2021, or through shared management which are not accessible in the Funding & tender portal mentioned above.
In addition, the financial transparency system provides information on all the EU domains of actions.
Funds supporting the implementation of the 2020 Counter-terrorism Agenda on supporting the prevention of radicalisation leading to violent extremism