Spotlight on Police and Law Enforcement - European Commission Skip to main content
Migration and Home Affairs
  • General publications
  • 15 May 2023
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
  • 1 min read

Spotlight on Police and Law Enforcement

Spotlight on Police and Law Enforcement news

With the rise of anti-system/anti-government violent extremism, growing distrust in governments and an increase in violent protests in recent years, the police and other law enforcement agencies are now on the frontline in responding to violent extremist activity. While they have always played a role in the detection, monitoring and pursuit of violent extremists, they now, more than ever, play a critical role in ensuring that violent extremist activities are not infiltrating non-extremist communities and that they do not become a mainstream phenomenon in our streets.

Increasingly, the police have a role in prevention work. In some Member States across Europe, the police have both the authority and trust among communities to reach out, engage, support and intervene where there is risk of radicalisation. 



Publication date
15 May 2023
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs