The European Migration Network (EMN) has published an overview of Member States’ experiences with new legal pathways in the areas of Talent Partnerships and complementary work-related pathways for those in need of international protection. The development of legal pathways to Europe is one of the key pillars of the European Commission’s new Pact on Migration and Asylum. Such new pathways are seen as an important instrument not only in the context of labour migration, skills matching and addressing labour shortages but also in their potential to contribute to reducing irregular migration, which often leads to undeclared work and labour exploitation in the EU.
With regard to Talent Partnerships, the inform explores the sectors and nationalities targeted in existing or planned partnerships with third countries, including temporary and long-term migration, as well as circular migration. It also looks into how skills shortages that cannot be filled with the national and legally staying migrant workers already available in EU countries are taken into account in the development of such measures. Also, the mechanisms of involving employers and national employment authorities are addressed.
With regard to complementary pathways, the inform specifically focuses on work-related complementary pathways for persons in need of international protection.
This publication forms part of the 2021 series of EMN informs on Innovation in Migration
Click here to download the EMN inform.
- Publication date
- 20 July 2021