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Migration and Home Affairs
News article12 June 2024Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs2 min read

Common Implementation Plan to turn the Pact on Migration and Asylum into a reality

The visual features a phrase: "Implementation Plan for the Pact on Migration and Asylum", in the middle. Around the text, different colourful "bubbles" feature images that symbolise diferrent policy areas.

On 12 June 2024, the European Commission adopted a Common Implementation Plan for the Pact on Migration and Asylum. This plan sets out the key actions required to translate the new rules on migration into practice. To do so, it brings all EU countries together, launching the necessary preparations that will allow the new system to become a well-functioning reality by the end of a two-year transition period.

EU countries will need to revise their national asylum and migration law according to the obligations stemming from the Pact, which are grouped into 10 building-blocks:

  • A common migration and asylum information system, that will support coordination and information sharing among EU countries, speeding up the processing of applications within the Common European Asylum System;
  • A new system to manage arrivals at the EU external borders, with the necessary tools to manage the processing of non-EU nationals, setting up fast and efficient procedures for asylum and return;
  • Rethinking reception to ensure adequate standards of living, while preventing unauthorised movements;
  • Streamlining the decision-making process on asylum applications at EU level, to foster converging assessment, fair and efficient procedures, and reinforce safeguards, rights and guarantees for asylum-seekers;
  • Expediting return processes, by incentivising returnees to cooperate and return voluntarily;
  • Activating the new responsibility criteria to determine the country responsible for an asylum application and for preventing unauthorised movements;
  • Enforce solidarity by introducing a permanent, legally binding but flexible solidarity mechanism;
  • Reducing the risks of crisis situations by enabling stronger resilience to evolving migratory situations;
  • Protecting the right to asylum and human dignity, by introducing increased monitoring of fundamental rights and new safeguards for asylum applicants and especially the vulnerable persons;
  • Stepping up efforts in the areas of resettlement, inclusion, and integration.

This pragmatic approach focuses resources on the fundamentals required for the new system to work, stressing that all building blocks need to be implemented and are fundamentally interdependent.

Next Steps

The new asylum and migration rules introduced by the Pact entered into force on 11 June 2024 and will enter into application after two years, as of 12 June 2026, with the exception of the Union Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission Framework Regulation, which is applicable as of today. Guided by the Common Implementation Plan, the next step is for EU countries to prepare their respective national implementation plans by December 2024. They can count on the operational, technical and financial support of the European Commission and EU Agencies.

Find out more

Pact on Migration and Asylum

The legislative files of the Pact in a nutshell

Questions and answers on the Pact

European Commission and NGOs discuss the implementation of the Migration Pact


Publication date
12 June 2024
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs