Commission welcomes the Budapest Process Ministerial Declaration to renew cooperation on migration - European Commission
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Migration and Home Affairs
  • News article
  • 13 November 2024
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
  • 1 min read

Commission welcomes the Budapest Process Ministerial Declaration to renew cooperation on migration

Group photo of all participants at the 7th Budapest Process Ministerial Conference
©European Commission

On 12 November, the 7th Ministerial Conference of the Budapest Process took place in Budapest, Hungary, bringing together ministers and high-level representatives from over 50 countries, the European Commission, and international organisations.

The conference marked a significant milestone in the Budapest Process, one of the oldest existing dialogues and a key platform for promoting international cooperation on migration management that has been instrumental in identifying and addressing migration challenges and opportunities since its inception in 1993. The Budapest Process members reaffirmed their commitment to the Process and its principles. They recognised the need to translate global commitments into regional realities and practical measures.

Call for Action: Key priorities and approaches

The 2024 Budapest Process Ministerial Declaration is accompanied by the “Call for Action 2025-2030”, focusing on six key priorities:

  1. Prevent irregular migration and fight against migrant smuggling, reinforcing cooperation in border management, criminal investigations, and prosecutions. 
  2. Strengthen pathways for legal migration and mobility, enhancing existing policies and cooperation on labour mobility.
  3. Strengthen international, regional, and bilateral cooperation for safe, effective, and prompt return, readmission, and sustainable reintegration.
  4. Strengthen the positive impact of migration on development, while addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement.
  5. Ensure international protection and respect of the rights of refugees and people in need of international protection, promoting durable solutions in line with international law.
  6. Support the integration of regular migrants, refugees, and those in need of international protection, countering racism, extremism, discrimination, and xenophobia.

The Declaration also emphasises the importance of a whole-of route, inclusive, and multi-stakeholder approach, based on information exchange and data reliability, which prioritises human rights and the protection of vulnerable people.

The external dimension of migration: One of the Pact’s pillars

The Budapest Process and its Call for Action are important instruments for addressing the external dimension of migration. The Budapest Process Ministerial Declaration aligns with the EU's Pact on Migration and Asylum, emphasising the importance of international comprehensive cooperation, capacity-building, and information exchange in addressing migration challenges.

The Declaration’s focus on regional cooperation, particularly in the Silk Routes region, can support the EU’s efforts to engage with partner countries and promote a more effective and sustainable management of migration.

Find out more

EU and partner countries commit to tackling irregular migration, legal pathways, human trafficking, border safety, and international protection

Embedding migration in international partnerships


Publication date
13 November 2024
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs