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Migration and Home Affairs
News article20 April 2022Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs1 min read

Call for proposals for actions on the protection of public spaces (including places of worship, CBRN-E, unmanned aircraft systems) (ISF-2022-TF1-AG-PROTECT)

The 2022 PROTECT call for proposals under the Internal Security Fund (ISF) to enhance the protection of public spaces is open for applications. There are two topics under this call:

  • ISF-2022-TF1-AG-PROTECT-01-PoW: Protection of places of worship
  • ISF-2022-TF1-AG-PROTECT-02-others: Protection of public spaces, CBRN-E, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), explosives

The goal is to facilitate network-building, encourage public-private cooperation, organise cross-border trainings, increase awareness and improve the overall security of public spaces against terrorist threats.

How to apply and further information

To apply for funding submit your proposal through the Commission's Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal.

The deadline for submission is 11 May 2022, at 17.00 CET.

The total budget for this call is EUR 14 500 000. It is part of the activities foreseen in the Thematic Facility and the 2021-2022 Work Programme of the Internal Security Fund (ISF).

The Commission organised an information session on 8 April 2022. You can now watch the recording and download the presentation.

For more information please consult the call’s page, where all the news and updates are regularly posted. For further question you may refer to the call text or contact the following email address: HOME-ISFatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (HOME-ISF[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).


Publication date
20 April 2022
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs