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Migration and Home Affairs
  • News announcement
  • 26 October 2023
  • Frankfurt am Main
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
  • 1 min read

Call for participants: Train the trainer for correctional officers to detect signs of trauma and deal with mental health issues when working with VETOs, 8 December 2023

RAN Practitioners Logo

8 December 2023, 09.00 – 15.30 CET -  Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Although there is no general causal connection between radicalisation and stress or other psychological issues, mental health is a crucial factor to consider in individual (de)radicalisation and rehabilitation processes. Mental illness and/or psychological disorders can impact the radicalisation process, as well as the rehabilitation and reintegration of (violent) extremist or terrorist offenders (VETOs) into society.

Especially when resources are limited, which is often the case in prisons, mental health struggles may go unnoticed and untreated. Furthermore, correctional officers need to develop better awareness of the interplay between mental health issues and the rehabilitation process, and the impact on decisions related to the management and treatment of VETOs. For this reason, this training aims at providing correctional officers with a basic understanding of mental health with respect to their daily work with VETOs or at-risk inmates, including the link between mental health and radicalisation, common issues, stresses and disorders, signs to look out for, and how to proceed once a concern has been raised.

The objectives of the training are the following:

  • raise awareness among correctional officers of psychological stress and disorders in the context of (de)radicalisation and the management of VETOs in prison; 
  • provide practical knowledge to correctional officers about psychological aspects of radicalisation and deradicalisation, disengagement, and resocialisation processes relevant to their daily work in prison; 
  • convey confidence in reaching out to and cooperating with support systems of the health profession as well as councillors.  

Target audience

Correctional officers directly engaging with extremist offenders. Participation will be limited to a maximum of 15 participants to ensure enough room for engagement. The training will be held in English.


To apply, please fill out this survey by 20 November 2023

Participants will be selected based on their answers and informed by 27 November. For any questions, please feel free to reach out to Alexandra [dot] kornatviolence-prevention-network [dot] de (Alexandra Korn) or Rositsa [dot] Dzhekovaatviolence-prevention-network [dot] de (Rositsa Dzhekova)



Publication date
26 October 2023
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
Frankfurt am Main