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Migration and Home Affairs
News announcement11 August 2023Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs2 min read

Call for participants – Registrations now open: RAN Practitioners Training Webinar: Basics of Mental Health in P/CVE, 20 September 2023


20 September, 14.00–17:00 CEST. This webinar will be held in English and will take place via WebEx.

Aim and Background

Mental illness and/or psychological issues can play a role in the process of radicalisation into violent extremism or terrorism as well as in the rehabilitation or reintegration of former radicalised individuals into society. Therefore, first-line practitioners that deal with the prevention and countering of extremism (P/CVE) will need to consider if and how mental health aspects may be relevant for the particular cases they are dealing with.

The aim of this webinar is to disseminate the basic insights from the mental health sector related to P/CVE (i.e. the RAN Mental Health working group and research) to other non-mental health care practitioners working in P/CVE. These insights will help practitioners to understand the basics of mental health aspects that can play a role in the (de)radicalisation process of individuals they are working with.

Gaining knowledge of and insights into the (characteristics of) mental illnesses and the way these interact with the (de)radicalisation of an individual helps practitioners to plan the best suited intervention. For practitioners who are not mental health experts, this knowledge should be used to recognise signs of possible mental illness and to make a better estimation of when to involve a mental health practitioner. A mental health practitioner can then assess if mental health issues are indeed present, and if and how they play a role in the potential violent radicalisation of the individual under assessment.

Target group

The target audience of this interactive webinar are first-line practitioners working with radicalised or potentially radicalised individuals. This includes prison personnel, police officers, youth and social workers, community workers and EXIT workers who want to learn the basics of mental health and radicalisation.


The training will provide an overview of the basic insights into mental health and P/CVE. This includes how mental (ill) health and radicalisation can possibly interact and how to assess if these characteristics should be looked at more carefully together with a mental health practitioner. After that participants will discuss a case in small groups to practice how to use this in practice.

Practical information

  • Please register via this link if you want to attend the webinar. The deadline for registration is Wednesday 6 September.  
  • Please note that this is a training webinar, so active participation is expected.
  • Participation after registration is not guaranteed. Because of the interactive nature of this event, there is only a limited number of participants. We will select participants based on their answers in the registration form. You will be contacted about your participation after the deadline for filling in the registration form.



Publication date
11 August 2023
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs