The training aims at raising awareness and understanding of violent right-wing extremism (VRWE) and strengthening the capacity of judicial staff to respond to individual cases related to VRWE in the Western Balkans. Judicial institutions with responsibilities to uphold legal frameworks are crucial actors in society’s responses towards VRWE. The assignment includes assessing the type of criminal activities and involvement in violent extremist crimes, the existing proportionate legal responses, the needs and openness of the offender to disengage and change, and the available interventions.
The training will address the following themes: awareness raining on violent right-wing extremism including radicalisation and recruitment, ideology, manifestations, groups, and symbols. Furthermore, the training will address aspects of assessment of the level of involvement in VRWE, needs and gaps assessment of practitioners, and responses (interventions, what are in place and what should be developed). Examples and cases from other European contexts will be shared and serve as examples of how to identify and respond to violent right-wing extremism from a juridical perspective.
Goals of the training
- Participants will be introduced to a systematic overview of violent right-wing extremism (VRWE): radicalisation and recruitment, groups, ideologies, and manifestations. Further, the training will address juridical responses towards VRWE activities and crimes.
- Participants will gain skills in identifying involvement in VRWE and awareness on the juridical responses towards crimes motivated by VRWE.
- Participants will gain competence in how understanding the motivations of the target group, and how to facilitate interventions intended to facilitate change.
Target group
The target group of this training are skilled judicial staff members working with or expected soon to be working with VRWE cases. We have capacity for maximum 15 participants from the Western Balkans only. The aim is to have a good regional spread and a variety of institutions (max 1 participant per organisation). Simultaneous interpretation into Albanian, BCMS and Macedonian will be provided based on the needs of participants.
We kindly ask you to fill out this questionnaire before June 20th. We will select participants based on their answers.
This call is also available in: Albanian | Macedonian | Serbian
- Publication date
- 6 June 2023
- Author
- Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
- Location
- Podgorica