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Migration and Home Affairs
  • News article
  • 17 September 2024
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
  • 4 min read

Call for Applications: EU Knowledge Hub is seeking Research Committee Members

Call for application - Research Committee

The European Commission, supported by a consortium led by the Danish consultancy NTU International, launched in June 2024 the EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation.

The Hub is seeking members for a dedicated Research Committee to drive research in radicalisation prevention.

About the EU Knowledge Hub

The EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation supports Member States in preventing radicalisation through a comprehensive, whole-of-society approach. This initiative will bridge the gaps between policymakers, practitioners, and researchers at EU level, fostering the exchange of knowledge and best practices.

The Knowledge Hub Research Committee

The EU Knowledge Hub on prevention of radicalisation will feature a strengthened research pillar to ensure the creation, consolidation, and improved dissemination of knowledge. This research will be guided by the Research Committee, consisting of 15 highly qualified and internationally recognized experts in radicalisation and extremism research.

This Research Committee will provide strategic advice, feedback on deliverables, and guide the research to address radicalisation and extremism within the EU context.

The Commission invites motivated and experienced researchers to apply for the position of Knowledge Hub Research Committee Members. Ideal candidates will meet the criteria listed below and be motivated to engage with EU policymakers and practitioners.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Knowledge Hub Research Committee Members will:

  • Advise the Commission in developing the Strategic Orientations for a coordinated EU approach to the prevention of radicalisation and in setting up the main activities of the Knowledge Hub.
  • Provide continuous feedback on Knowledge Hub deliverables, including events, research papers, and other relevant projects.
  • Propose subjects for in-depth studies and recommend partners for research, subject to validation by the Commission.
  • Participate in the identification and design of foresight scenarios.
  • Offer advice and recommendations in the field of prevention upon request by the Commission or Member States.

Why Apply?

Joining the Research Committee offers:

  • An opportunity to contribute to the development of EU policies on radicalisation and extremism.
  • Collaboration with leading experts, institutions, policymakers in EU countries, organisations, and other entities dealing with high-profile international research in the Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P-CVE) area
  • The ability to shape strategic directions and contribute to significant EU-funded research projects.
  • Professional growth through participation in research and policy development.

Mandate and Remuneration

  • Members will serve a 2-year mandate, with the possibility of renewal.
  • They will be compensated for their work on tasks of the Committee such as participating in research projects, drafting papers, and attending in-person Committee meetings.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a national of an EU Member State affiliated with an entity also based in the EU or, exceptionally in the United Kingdom, Norway, or Switzerland.
  • Have excellent command of English (C1 level), demonstrated by a language certificate, an academic degree taught in English, or authorship of a substantial portion of publications in English.
  • Hold a doctoral degree in a relevant field (law, political science, international relations, criminology, social sciences, psychology).

The selection of the 15 members will consider expertise, gender and geographical diversity to ensure a balanced committee. Each EU country will have a maximum of one national on the committee.

Required Expertise

In line with the main priorities set out in the Strategic Orientations for 2024-2025, the Hub is seeking researchers that cover the following areas:

  1. Ideologies and Conspiracy Narratives
  2. Prisons Rehabilitation and Reintegration
  3. New Technologies and the Online Dimension
  4. Local Dimension, Polarisation, and Resilience Building
  5. Lone Actors and Mental Health Issues
  6. Management of Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Volunteers, and Their Families
  7. Global and Geopolitical Factors and Undesirable Foreign Influences

Furthermore, as the EU Knowledge Hub will provide support to define foresight scenarios, we welcome applicants who can demonstrate a mastery of foresight tools and methods. Candidates must demonstrate prominent expertise in the Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P-CVE) area and foresight tools and methods applied to this field through one or more of the following:

  • A minimum of 10 years of relevant academic research experience post-PhD in radicalisation/extremism and P/CVE.
  • Leadership in an internationally renowned research centre, think tank, or significant research projects in radicalisation/extremism and P/CVE.
  • Proven cooperation with or provision of services to policymakers through government consulting, provision of external expertise, intensive collaboration as member of high-level advisory network, membership in relevant decision-making bodies or through employment with EU or international organisations as a consultant or expert.
  • A mix of the above qualifications.

Exceptional Candidates

A maximum of two seats on the Research Committee may be reserved for promising researchers who have recently completed their doctorate with distinction and have made notable contributions to the field. A prize awarded to their doctoral thesis or the publication of the thesis in a recognized publishing house will be considered when assessing these applications.

Record keeping

Records and other supporting documentation to prove compliance with the experts’ obligations (original supporting documents, in particular on travel and other expenses) must be kept for at least three years after the final payment under a contract (5 years for contracts above 60 000 EUR).

In case of on-going checks, audits, investigations, litigation or other pursuits of claims, the records and other supporting documentation must be kept until the end of these procedures.


Interested candidates should complete the application form and attach the relevant documents before 3 November 2024 by following this link.

For further information or inquiries, contact eukhatntu [dot] eu (eukh[at]ntu[dot]eu).


Publication date
17 September 2024
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs