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Migration and Home Affairs
News article17 June 20201 min read

Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2019

The Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2019, published by the European Migration Network (EMN), explores trends on migration and asylum in the EU and Norway.

The Report provides a comprehensive overview of EU and national developments across a wide range of migration and asylum topics, including legal migration, international protection; unaccompanied minors and vulnerable groups; integration; citizenship and statelessness; borders, visa and Schengen governance; illegal migration including smuggling; return and readmission; human trafficking and migration and development.

Some of the key trends and findings are introduced below.

  • 2019 marked the first increase in asylum applications since 2015; however, Member States did not report negative impacts on their capacity to cope with the changes.
  • Almost 30 000 people were resettled by a quarter of Member States and Norway.
  • New integration measures at EU and national level focussed on socio-economic integration, notably labour market integration, language acquisition, education and migrant empowerment.
  • Member States simplified their administrative and legal requirements to meet the needs of the labour market, in particular, regarding qualified workers.
  • Member States worked to speed up return procedures, prevent absconding and secondary movements and increase the rate of returns, introduced new legislation on return decisions and implemented activities to further support assisted voluntary return. Member States and Norway reported 161 755 returns in 2019.

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Publication date
17 June 2020