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Migration and Home Affairs

RAN Research Seminar 2019, Vienna 26-27 June 2019

This year’s RAN Research Seminar created a cross-discipline forum of leading academics, practitioners and policymakers focused on two leading topics. The first topic concerned the current developments in Islamist extremist and far-right extremist ideologies and their respective dissemination strategies, as well as gender dimensions related to these ideologies.

The virtual archipelago of social media platforms used by violent extremists is a gamechanger that complicates how we used to understand these extremist environments: Their narratives now exist across different technological platforms and fuse with popular online communities, gaming and meme subcultures (especially in far-right extremist, or FRE, circles).

The second topic concerned the reintegration of terrorist and extremist offenders. There are still many challenges towards the effective rehabilitation and reintegration of terrorist and extremist offenders. One persistent issue relates to evaluation of programme effectiveness, particularly the urgent need of including evaluation processes in various projects.

This ex-post paper outlines the principle findings of the RAN Research Seminar, with a focus on drawing on the latest insights from the P/CVE (Preventing/Countering violent extremism) stakeholder triangle which involves the relationship among practitioners, policymakers, and researchers. Read more


PDF Paper (also available in French and German)