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Migration and Home Affairs

RAN POL and RAN C&N Current and future narratives and strategies of far-right and Islamist extremism, Stockholm 04-05 April 2019

On 4 and 5 April in Stockholm, the RAN Police an law enforcement (POL) and RAN Communication and Narratives (C&N) working groups meeting kicked off with a simple yet pertinent question: 'Why aren't all individuals exposed to propaganda equally susceptible?'

This question prompted a vigorous discussion on the factors and contexts that are definitive for individuals becoming radicalised, the elements that make certain extremist narratives particularly effective, and how these narratives are disseminated and transmitted.

The discussion then took a more speculative turn, considering what extremist narratives are likely to be observed in the future, and the means of countering such narratives. Read more


PDF Paper (also available in French and German)

Related links

Communication and Narratives Working Group (RAN C&N)

Police and law enforcement Working Group (RAN POL)