In the first few weeks of the year, RAN Practitioners Staff – with the support of RAN Working Group leads and informed by your feedback at the RAN Plenary in October 2021 – have been planning a full programme of events for the year. The 2022 programme, which includes various Working Group meetings, webinars, thematic events, cross-cutting events and study visits, has been designed to support network members to understand and address some of the most pressing P/CVE challenges. A full calendar of events for the coming months of 2022 can now be found on the RAN website.
One important event, which took place last week, is the 18th European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism, being held in Brussels on 11th March 2022. The Day brought together a number of practitioners and officials to pay tribute to Victims of Terrorism (VoT). A Special Edition Update was published last week to coincide with the event. The Update shed light on the Day, discussed the role of victims in P/CVE and RAN Practitioners work to support them. You can read the Update in full here.
Meanwhile, on 24th and 25th February 2022, the French Presidency of the Council of the EU organised a conference in Paris, entitled ‘Review and Perspectives of the Prevention of Radicalisation in Europe’. The conference explored the main P/CVE challenges facing EU Member States today and highlighted some responses delivered by members of RAN. Some insights and outcomes from the conference will be shared in a future Update.
The latest issue of the ‘Spotlight’ magazine takes a look at the digital ecosystem. The publication looks at the role of technology in P/CVE, detecting manipulated images, and digital grooming tactics deployed by terrorists and extremists. It also features insights from practitioners on improving the digital literacy of both young people and adults and building their resilience to disinformation.
The latest episode of ‘RAN in Focus’ takes a look at the impact of technology in P/CVE. The programme discusses the rise of conspiracy narratives, the digital networks used by terrorists to radicalise, and the adoption of technology by practitioners to connect. The podcast hears from three experts working in tech, including Anne Craanen from Tech Against Terrorism, Joshua Fisher-Birch from the Counter Extremism Project, and Ross Frenett from Moonshot, and Working Group lead for the Communications and Narratives Working Group.
The latest episode of RAN Reporters visits Sports Against Racism Ireland (SARI) in Dublin. RAN Reporters uncovers some of the work and practices of the groups and individuals who are part of the RAN Practitioners network. This episode meets members of SARI to learn about its work in engaging young people in communities through sport and tackling issues of discrimination.
A new paper from RAN Practitioners provides educators, youth workers and sports organisers with practical tips on how to foster inclusion through sports. The paper, which captures the insights gathered from a RAN Youth & Education Working Group meeting, presents the elements in sports initiatives which can reduce the risk of radicalisation.
Upcoming Events
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, RAN Practitioners will continue to deliver all meetings in the coming months online. For more information on planned meetings please go to the RAN Practitioners website.
A full set of meetings planned for the upcoming months of 2022 will be published shortly on the RAN Practitioners website.
Effective Communications when Foreign Terrorist Fighters and their Families Return
A new paper provides insights for practitioners on effective methods of communicating with Foreign Terrorist Fighters and their families when they return. The paper provides an overview of the GAMMMA+ model, discusses the importance of the use of language at both national and local level, and provides thoughts on how to communicate in daily practice for effective case management.
Effective management of the prison-exit continuum
A new paper provides an overview of a study visit to France in December 2021, which gave participants the chance to learn about France’s policy to fight radicalisation in and outside of prison, and engage in discussions with both the prison officials and the practitioners who engage with radicalised and terrorist offenders on a daily basis.
Contact Us
RAN Practitioners is implemented by RadarEurope, which is a subsidiary of the RadarGroup:
- Phone: +31 (0)20 468 06 08 (office)
- E-Mail: ranradareurope [dot] nl (ran[at]radareurope[dot]nl)
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