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RAN Practitioners Update 124 | June 2024

RAN Practitioners Update 124

Innovations in digital technology are giving more and more opportunities to violent extremist groups all around the world to radicalise and recruit. Such groups are now increasingly adept at adopting, adapting and exploiting the latest digital technologies to reach and engage their audiences online. As practitioners therefore, we need to stay abreast of the latest digital trends, recognise that the lines between offline and online are becoming increasingly blurred and find ways to get online. In this edition of the RAN Practitioners Update we take a look at some of the work being done by practitioners online, including law enforcement agencies, youth workers and exit workers. To do this, the Update features the latest RAN In Focus podcasts, a recent RAN Reporters film and relevant Spotlight magazine. 

Online interventions

RAN in Focus

RAN Practitioners has produced a new three-part series of podcasts, called RAN in Focus, which explore the world of on online interventions. The podcasts take an in-depth look at digital youth work, community policing online and online exit work. You can find out more, including links to the RAN Practitioners YouTube channel where you can listen to each of the three podcasts in the section below.




We continue our series of featuring some of the best P/CVE projects funded by the EU. In this Update we focus on the ORPHEUS project, which aims to prevent the radicalisation of young people both online and offline. 

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Adolescent boys returning from Da’esh territory

This paper captures the main insights from a RAN Practitioners study visit to the Union of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) in Brussels, where participants discussed the challenges surrounding the safe repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration of adolescent boys to Europe from Iraq and Syria, and the different approaches available to them. 

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Resocialisation and reintegration measures for VETOs post prison-release in the Western Balkans

This paper delves into the concept of violent extremism within the Western Balkans, offering insights into the historical backdrop. It also provides an overview of deradicalisation, disengagement, and resocialisation (DDR) practices, highlighting the challenges and gaps encountered during the post-release phase. Furthermore, the paper highlights specific DDR practices. 

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Improving risk assessment: Accounting for gender

This paper assesses why gender should be a consideration in risk assessment. To do this, the paper takes a look at women’s radicalisation and gender roles, and the challenges and gaps in assessing violent extremist women. The paper provides practical guidance and recommendations for practitioners looking to develop risk assessments for women. 

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RAN Practitioners is implemented by RadarEurope, which is a subsidiary of the RadarGroup:

  • Phone: +31 (0)20 468 06 08 (office)
  • E-Mail: ranatradareurope [dot] nl (ran[at]radareurope[dot]nl)

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25 JUNE 2024
RAN Practitioners Update 124 | June 2024