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RAN Practitioners Update 123 | May 2024

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Victims/survivors of terrorism (both those who have been targets of a terrorist attack and those who have lost a relative) play an important role in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), given they can testify to the harm and suffering caused by terrorism. 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism, which was first created to remember those who lost their lives in the 2004 Madrid train bombings. In this edition of the RAN Practitioners Update we therefore explore the importance of this day, the need to support victims, and enable them to play a role in P/CVE. This includes the latest RAN Reporters Spotlight magazine, film and summary of the event. The Update also highlights some upcoming RAN Practitioners events, the most recent RAN Practitioners papers, and a project delivered by a member of the network.



On 11 March 2024, the EU paid tribute to victims and survivors of terrorism. Organised by the European Commission, in close cooperation with the RAN Victims and Survivors of Terrorism Working Group (VoT) and the Spanish government, the European Remembrance Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism, heard from a number of victims who shared their experiences and gave their testimonies. The event featured a minute of silence, the tree ceremony and musical interludes. 

Upcoming events

Stay tuned to the Calendar page on the RAN Practitioners website for updates on meetings which will take place in 2024.



EU Handbook on victims of terrorism

The EU Handbook on victims of terrorism, produced by the EU Centre of Expertise for Victims of Terrorism, aims to assist in the practical implementation of the EU legislation on the rights of victims of terrorism. It is based on lessons learned from responses to previous terrorist attacks. The Handbook is accompanied by a separate Annex. 

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Ensuring the well-being of victims/survivors of terrorism involved in P/CVE

A recent paper by RAN Practitioners, published in March 2024, explores how to safeguard the well-being of victims/survivors of terrorism, including how to provide safe environments, how to involve victims/survivors in the design of interventions, how to provide support during the delivery of interventions and how to provide aftercare. 

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Contact us

RAN Practitioners is implemented by RadarEurope, which is a subsidiary of the RadarGroup:

  • Phone: +31 (0)20 468 06 08 (office)
  • E-Mail: ranatradareurope [dot] nl (ran[at]radareurope[dot]nl)

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14 MAY 2024
RAN Practitioners Update 123 | May 2024