RAN Practitioners Update 117 | November 2023 - European Commission Skip to main content
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RAN Practitioners Update 117 | November 2023

RAN Practitioners Update 117

2023 has seen a new intake of young professionals into the RAN YOUNG network – the next generation of P/CVE practitioners. This new cohort of young people now has the opportunity to contribute fresh new insights, views, and ideas to the RAN Practitioners network. In this edition of the RAN Practitioners Update we take a look at the RAN YOUNG Platform and the importance of youth engagement in P/CVE. To do this, we feature the latest RAN Practitioners film, which shines a spotlight on some of the people that participate in the Platform, and highlight relevant publications and papers on youth engagement.


The platform

The RAN YOUNG Platform is a network of young people working to prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE). The aim of the platform is to give young people a voice in P/CVE, give them the opportunity to provide a youth perspective to RAN practitioners, and empower them to take action in their communities or field of work. To do this, the RAN YOUNG Platform offers young actors a safe space to exchange views and formulate recommendations both for first-line practitioners and policymakers.

You can read more about the RAN YOUNG Platform, including its events, activities and outputs, here.

The panel

Last year an online workshop was organised where a collection of young people – who formed a ‘Youth Review Panel’ – assessed a number of projects focused on youth from RAN’s Collection of Inspiring Practices. Providing a young person’s perspective, the panel identified each practice’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

The findings, recommendations and key takeaways from the panel have been captured in a paper which you can be read in full here.


Engaging and Empowering Young People in P/CVE

A paper, published by RAN Practitioners in 2022, provides insights on how to train and empower young people to formulate project plans in P/CVE. The paper outlines a process for engaging young people in P/CVE project brainstorms and provides a set of recommendations for practitioners who hope to engage and empower young people in P/CVE, which includes encouraging ‘learning-by-doing’, fostering creativity and facilitating collaboration.

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Youth Participation in P/CVE for Local Authorities

A paper, published by RAN Practitioners in 2021, provides insights for local authorities on the benefits of working with young people, as well as the challenges that young people face and different approaches that can enhance their efforts. The paper also provides a series of examples of engaging young people.

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  • 28 NOVEMBER 2023
RAN Practitioners Update 117 | November 2023