In March each year, Europe commemorates all victims and survivors of terrorism. This Special Edition of the RAN Practitioners Update therefore takes a look at the significance of the European Remembrance Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism, shines a spotlight on victims and their role in P/CVE and showcases some of the work being done to support them. It includes a summary of the Remembrance Day, links to relevant RAN papers, and examples of inspiring practices.
European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism
On 10th March 2023, the EU paid tribute to victims and survivors of terrorism. Organised by the European Commission, in close cooperation with the RAN Victims and Survivors of Terrorism Working Group (VoT), the European Remembrance Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism, heard from a number of victims who shared their experiences and gave their testimonies. The event featured a minute of silence, a tree ceremony and a series of musical interludes, including a young performer from Kyiv, Ukraine.

In an address to the audience at the European Remembrance Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism, Ylva Johansson, Commissioner for Home Affairs, called for a show of solidarity. Reflecting on the powerful testimonies of a number of victims of terrorism, she said that it was important “not only to remember, but to help victims get the support they need.” She thanked victims for sharing their stories and first responders for doing their duty, and called on everyone working in prevention to “redouble our efforts, to prevent and fight terrorism and support victims.”

The European Remembrance Day for Victims and Survivors of Terrorism was well attended, with a number of victims and survivors of terrorism, representatives of civil society organisations, representatives of EU Member States and the European Commission, all present. The event was held in Brussels, for the first time without sanitary restrictions since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 100 people attended the ceremony in person. There were over 600 views on the live-stream on social media. A professional photographer sensitively captured a series of photos from the event, which can be found here.
Participation of Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner, to the European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismGroup photo with, from left to right, in the 1st row: Olivier Onidi, Deputy Director-General of DG Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission, 5th and Philippe Vansteenkiste, Leader of the Working Group on Victims/survivors of terrorism of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN VoT), 7th; in the 2nd row: Hayat Tahir, Member of the Working Group on Victims/survivors of terrorism of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN VoT), 4th, Mokhtar Naghchband, Member of the Working Group on Victims/survivors of terrorism of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN VoT), 5th, Ylva Johansson, 7th, Lisbeth Røyneland, Member of the Working Group on Victims/survivors of terrorism of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN VoT), 12th, Andreas Wiesinger, Member of the Working Group on Victims/survivors of terrorism of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN VoT), 13th and Taib Saidi Jebbah, Member of the Working Group on Victims/survivors of terrorism of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN VoT), 14th Ylva JohanssonYlva Johansson Working Group leaders: Philippe VansteenkisteWorking Group leaders: Philippe Vansteenkiste Participation of Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner, to the European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismGroup photo with, from left to right, Mokhtar Naghchband, Member of the Working Group on Victims/survivors of terrorism of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN VoT), 2nd, Lisbeth Røyneland, Member of the Working Group on Victims/survivors of terrorism of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN VoT), 3rd, Ylva Johansson, 4th, Andreas Wiesinger, Member of the Working Group on Victims/survivors of terrorism of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN VoT), 5th and Hayat Tahir, Member of the Working Group on Victims/survivors of terrorism of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN VoT), 6th European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism European Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorismEuropean Remembrance Day for Victims of terrorism General view of the meetingGeneral view of the meeting General view of the meetingGeneral view of the meeting
On 11th March 2023, France held a national day of tribute for victims of terrorism at the Invalides in Paris. At the ceremony, President Macron, who met a number of victims and organisations supporting victims, including the Life for Paris association, announced that France will create a national museum for the Victims of Terrorism, which will open in 2027.
Victims of Terrorism
Working Group
For the past ten years, the RAN Victims/Survivors of Terrorism (VoT) Working Group has been working hard to support victims/survivors of terrorism and help them to make their voices heard. The Working Group also supports practitioners working with victims/survivors of terrorism and assesses how victims/survivors of terrorism can play a role in P/CVE.
Read more about the work of the VoT Working Group here and find out more about its activities and its working group leads here.
RAN Reporters
The latest episode of RAN Practitioners’ ‘RAN Reporters’ programme visits the Ministry of Interior in Madrid, to learn about its project called, ‘Testimonies of Victims of Terrorism in the classroom’.
The programme meets one of the victims of terrorism involved in the project, as he meets a classroom of students to tell them his story – about his experience of the 2004 Madrid bombings – and provide a message of forgiveness and redemption.
Inspiring practice
The Memorial Centre for Victims of Terrorism (Centro Memorial de las Víctimas del Terrorismo) in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) consists of a museum to commemorate Spain’s victims/survivors of terrorism and an archive with an educational purpose. The Centre is built on four pillars: truth, memory, dignity and justice, aiming to pay tribute to those who have been affected by terror attacks and to educate the public on the consequences of extremism. You can find more information on the Memorial Centre here.
You can find more inspiring practices in the RAN Collection here.
Upcoming events
Stay tuned to the Calendar page on the RAN Practitioners website for updates on meetings which will take place in 2023.
Opening Conference
12 May 2023 | EU Centre of Expertise for victims of terrorism
Preventive campaigning with both victims/survivors and formers
12-16 June | RAN C&N Working Group meeting
Seminar on victims of terrorism
25 September 2023 | Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union
The perception of victims/survivors of terrorism in media
A paper, published by RAN Practitioners in August 2022, discusses the perception of victims/survivors of terrorism in media and possibilities for cooperation with a commemorative and preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) aim. The paper provides recommendations for journalists, victims/survivors of terrorism and those working with victims/survivors, in order to ensure a respectful portrayal of victims/survivors in media.
Memorials for victims of terrorism and their possible value for P/CVE
A paper, published by RAN Practitioners in June 2021, explores the ways in which memorials for victims and survivors of terrorism have been used in the context of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). The paper outlines the most common approaches in different Member States and provides recommendations for practitioners working in areas that could encompass memorials in their work, such as educators, local authorities, community workers and exit workers.
Supporting the voices of young victims/survivors of terrorism
A paper, published by RAN Practitioners in June 2021, provides insights for practitioners, including youth workers, educational professionals, social workers and psychologists, on how to support young victims/survivors of terrorism in making their voices heard. The paper provides an overview of how best to support young victims/survivors wanting to play a role in P/CVE and how to provide tailored support in their healing process that addresses the diversity of challenges young people face.
Contact Us
RAN Practitioners is implemented by RadarEurope, which is a subsidiary of the RadarGroup:
- Phone: +31 (0)20 468 06 08 (office)
- E-Mail: ran
radareurope [dot] nl (ran[at]radareurope[dot]nl)
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