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Migration and Home Affairs
9 July 2024

Training staff members of reception centres on prevention and reporting of radicalisation

  • Belgium
Target Audience
  • First responders or practitioners
  • General public
  • Local community organisations/NGOs
key themes association
  • Alternative and counter narratives
  • Training
  • 2024


Federal Agency for reception of asylum seekers (Fedasil). Governmental agency responsible for the reception of asylum seekers

Type of Organisation: Governmental institution

Project description

Belgium’s Federal agency for the reception of asylum seekers (Fedasil) provides training for reception centres and support services staff. 

The training aims to: 

  • address staff questions on radicalisation, e.g. What is radicalisation? What does the process of radicalisation entail? 
  • train staff to prevent, identify and deal with radicalisation in reception centres; 
  • ensure the reporting of radicalisation to competent authorities. 

After the training, staff members are able to: 

  • identify signs of radicalisation and prevent radicalisation; 
  • react appropriately to radicalisation in reception centres; 
  • know when and how to report radicalisation in reception centres.

In order to improve the prevention of radicalization, information sessions are regularly organized on the historical and cultural aspects of certain countries of origin of asylum seekers (Afghanistan since 2021, Palestine since 2022, and Syria since 2024). 

Face-to-face training until the beginning of 2020 and since then (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) e-training via webinars.


Modules (PowerPoint presentations) sent to each participant after the training (each presentation contains a short bibliography – books, articles and websites).

Contact details


21 Kartuizersstraat,
1000 Brussels,

Contact person: Fanny François
Telephone: (+32) 495 581 661
fanny [dot] francoisatfedasil [dot] be (Email) | Website

Contact person: Johan Bourlard
Telephone: (+32) 477 441 079
johan [dot] bourlardatfedasil [dot] be (Email) | Website

Read the full practice

9 JULY 2024
Training staff members of reception centres on prevention and reporting of radicalisation