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Migration and Home Affairs
  • 9 July 2024

Radicalisation Prevention and Deradicalisation in Prison and Probation

(formerly known as ‘Taking Responsibility — Breaking away from Hate and Violence — Education of Responsibility (Verantwortungspädagogik®)’)

  • Germany
Target Audience
  • Formers
  • Prison / probation
key themes association
  • Deradicalisation/disengagement
  • Prison and probation
  • 2022


Violence Prevention Network e. V.

The NGO Violence Prevention Network is a group of experienced specialists with many years of experience in the fields of prevention of extremism and deradicalisation. Various federal ministries, state-level justice departments, state-level and national security agencies and institutional partners have worked closely with the association from its inception, and value the group’s high degree of knowledge, competency, and outstanding reputation. 

The Violence Prevention Network works directly with radicalised people at different stages of radicalisation. The aim is to support them in developing distance from inhumane ideologies and violent behaviour. 

The organisation’s projects have been or are financed by institutional, regional, federal funds, the European Social Fund (ESF) or the European Commission.

Type of Organisation: NGO

Project description

This project targets young people, but also adults, arrested for committing ideologically motivated acts of violence (rightwing extremists or radical Islamists). It aims to support such youngsters in their effort to live responsibly and nonviolently, detached from inhumane ideologies. 

Trainers aim to develop the following skills in trainees: 

  • relationship skills, empathy, self-esteem, capacity for self-reflection; 
  • to distance themselves from inhumane hate ideologies; 
  • to better understand and correct their violent behaviour; 
  • to accept each individual’s fundamental right to liberty and freedom from bodily harm; 
  • to learn how to resolve conflict non-violently; 
  • to take responsibility for their actions; 
  • to play an active role in planning their future.

The approach involves deradicalisation training, civic education, long-term group training and post-release stabilisation coaching. Key elements of the training include the separation of offence and offender, and the questioning of ideology and strategies of justification and offence. Trainers and trainees are expected to have a reliable relationship based on confidence and respect. Participation is voluntary.


Curriculum of deradicalisation training, working with rightwing or radical Islamist groups. 

“Learn Journal” for young prison inmates; created during the time of the pandemic, when prison visits weren’t possible. With the “Learn Journal”, the trainees were able to gain knowledge of the training via a tailor made, step-by-step learning method.

Contact details


Violence Prevention Network e. V.
Alt-Reinickendorf 25
13407 Berlin

Contact person: Judy Korn, CEO
Telephone: (+49) 30 91 70 54 64
judy [dot] kornatviolence-prevention-network [dot] de (Email) | Website

Read the full practice

  • 9 JULY 2024
Taking Responsibility – Breaking away from Hate and Violence – Education of Responsibility (Verantwortungspädagogik®)