Networking on legal migration, irregular migration and return
EMN Return Expert Group (EMN REG)
The EMN Return Expert Group (EMN REG) functions as a platform for practical cooperation and the sharing of good practice and expertise on return. The EMN REG provides a structure for planning, follow-up and monitoring of return activities in the EU. The EMN REG connects key stakeholders from EU countries, and representatives of EU funded programmes and when appropriate, civil society.
Visit the EMN Return Expert Group (REG) page
Platform on Statelessness
The EMN Platform on Statelessness aims to determine the state of play of statelessness in the European Union and raise awareness in regards with statelessness.
Visit the Platform of Statelessness page
Integrated return management
Under the EU integrated return management approach, the EMN REG coordinates EU funded return programmes including the European Return and Reintegration Network (ERRIN).
The European Return and Reintegration Network (ERRIN) is a consortium of 15 partner countries which facilitates the return and reintegration of migrants who cannot, or no longer wish to, remain in Europe.
ERRIN caters for a wide range of needs, providing counselling, referral, and reintegration assistance for persons returning to their country of origin.
ERRIN is funded through the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), with co-financing from participating national agencies.
EMN Information and Awareness Raising Campaigns Working Group (EMN INFO WG)
The general objective of the EMN INFO WG is to support knowledge exchange and to provide an enhanced structured coordination between EU Member States, EU bodies and, as needed, relevant external experts such as international organisations, e.g. UNHCR or IOM. This interchange is on the conception and implementation of migration information and awareness raising campaigns with the view of preventing migrant smuggling and reducing irregular migration flows to the EU as well as providing objective information about EU migration and asylum policies.