Compliance with the obligation to return within the time-limit fixed for that purpose in the return decision.
Art. 3(8) of Directive 2008/115/EC (Return Directive)
- BG: доброволно напускане на страната
- CS: dobrovolné opuštění území
- DE: freiwillige Ausreise
- EL: εθελούσια αναχώρηση
- EN: voluntary departure
- ES: salida voluntaria
- ET: vabatahtlik lahkumine
- FI: vapaaehtoinen maasta poistuminen
- FR: départ volontaire
- GA: imeacht deonach
- HR: dragovoljni odlazak
- HU: önkéntes távozás
- IT: partenza volontaria
- LT: savanoriškas išvykimas
- LV: brīvprātīga izceļošana
- MT: Tluq volontarju
- NL: vrijwillig vertrek
- PL: dobrowolny wyjazd
- PT: abandono voluntário
- RO: plecare voluntară
- SK: dobrovoľný odchod
- SL: prostovoljni odhod
- SV: frivillig avresa
- NO: frivillig utreise (b); friviljug utreise (n)
- KA: ნებაყოფლობითი გამგზავრება
- UK: добровільний від’їзд
- HY: կամավոր մեկնում
Broader Term(s)
Narrower Term(s)
Related Term(s)
1. The term is different from voluntary return, as with voluntary departure, ultimately there will be an obligation to return.
2. As voluntary departure is the preferred option over forced return, Art. 7(1) of Directive 2008/115/EC (Return Directive) defines an obligation for EU Member States to provide for an appropriate period for voluntary departure of between seven and thirty days.